jealous (grayson)

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"y/n hurry up were gonna be late to the party!" grayson yelled from downstairs.

you and your bestfriend grayson are getting ready to go to a party at your friend jessicas house to celebrate being seniors this year.

"im almost sec"

you walk down the stairs in your outfit 

(the outfit)

(the outfit)

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"wow you look amazing y/n" grayson said eyeing you up and down.

you look down and blush a little

"so you ready gray?"

"yeah..lets go"


you walk in and theres flashing lights and sweaty bodies everywhere. everyone dancing and drinking, you start to scan the room looking for jessica.  

"ill be right back y/n im gonna get us some drinks." 

you nod your head, and decide to join the mosh pit and start dancing; your swaying you hips to the beat of the music just letting go and a pair of hand wrap around your waist, you don't really stop whoever it is because your just here to have some fun and your not in a relationship with anyone.


i walking back from y/n and i's drinks and there's this guy hitting on y/n 

"hey, shes with me."

the guy pushes me telling me to back off. im starting to get really frustrated. y/n started walking over to me because she could probably tell i was getting mad, and when she was walking over to me, the guy that was hitting on her smacked her ass. i lost it. he cant touch my girl like that!!...i mean my best friend like that...what am i saying?! the next thing i know i feel a sharp pain on the right side of my facei grap the guy with one hand by his hoodie and start punching him in the face with the other and y/n ran over to me trying to pull him off. i didn't want her to accidentally get hurt from all the commotion so i told her we were leaving.


"grayson! get off of him your hurting him! we were just dancing!"

grayson gripped my arm tightly and dragged me out of the party and into the car, i didn't even get to find jessica....but she was probably one of the people in the huge group watching grayosn beat the shit out of this guy.  he opened the door for me and got in on his side. he was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white.

"why did you do that grayson?"

"i dont know..he was disrespecting you, and i care about you a lot and i wanted to hang out with you tonight y/n...because...n-nevermind"

"i wanted to hang out with you too gray..because what?"

"nothing, let me just take you home."

"grayson i've never seen you act like this before! whats going on?"

"i like you y/n, but i dont want to ruin our friendship..."

ive alway had a small crush on grayson, but i never knew he liked me back so i just tried to ignore my feelings for him because we've always been just friends, he must have realized he liked me more than a friend when that guy was hitting on me..

"grayson i have something to tell you too.."


"i like you a lot too..."

"y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

"grayson..of course i will be your girlfriend!"

after that he drove home and we had pizza and watched my favorite show the vampire diaries together.

a/n: this ones long lol

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