period e.d

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a/n: hey everyone! i know i already did this type of story for grayson but im kinda hoping a got better at this writing thing lol plus this is for those girls in ethans lane soooo here ya go ;)

you had just gotten home from school and all day you've been having the worst cramps but you haven't even started your period yet and it was just annoying to you because you didn't feel good all day long and you know your period is coming and thats never fun. any way you get home from school and you start shuffling yourself upstairs to your bedroom.


you get to your room and set your backpack down in the corner next to your bed and plop down onto it, you lay there for a couple minutes and go on your phone and scroll through vsco and pinterest looking at cute outfits.  after about 5 minutes of that your cramps really start to kick and and so you get up to go change into something comfy because every month whenever your period comes you get cramps so bad that you get very nauseous and typically throw up. but when you were changing out of your thong into something more noticed that there was blood in your underwear.  you looked down and sighed and made your way to your bathroom got yourself cleaned up and changed into joggers and a long sleeve shirt and made your self some hot tea because you always get the chills when you have really bad cramps like this.

  you looked down and sighed and made your way to your bathroom got yourself cleaned up and changed into joggers and a long sleeve shirt and made your self some hot tea because you always get the chills when you have really bad cramps like this

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you lay back down into your queen sized bed and after a couple minutes of watching friends you hear your phone vibrate you lazily reach over to your nightstand and see that your boyfriend ethan had texted you...

ethan: hey babygirl im bored and i miss you is it cool if i come over?

y/n: hey babe i would normally say yea but...its that time of month and i dont think im gonna be that fun around right now lol

ethan: ugh im sorry and ofc i wanna be around you ill be over in 10 minutes! i love you!!

y/n: okay baby love you too!


you un-pause friends and patiently wait for ethan to come over and no more than 10 minutes later you hear a knock on your door and since both of your parents work you had to get up and answer the door. you sluggishly walk down the stair and see ethan standing in the doorway with a big box of chocolate covered strawberries and a bouquet of red dahlia flowers, you make eye contact with him and instantly feel a lot better than before he was here you take the flowers and strawberries and gently set them on the table behind you. you take ethans hand and pull him inside and sweetly kiss him.

"awe omg ethan you did not have to do this for me your too cute!"

" y/n you do so much for me, the least i can do is try to make you smile." he said while winking at you.

you pick up the flowers and the stawberries and intertwine your fingers with his and make your way back upstairs with ethan traveling behind. you reach your bedroom and set the flowers in a vase and put the stawberries at the foot of the bed you and ethan climb into bed and you press play and start watching friends again. but for some reason you could not stop from thinking about how bad your cramps felt and you tried to get comfortable tossing and turning around in your bed trying to find the best position so it didnt hurt so bad. ethan noticed you were in pain...

"hey come here" he said comfortingly 

you scooted close to him and rested your head on his chest and could hear the comforting sound of his heart beating. he looked down and you and kissed your forehead. you curled up into a ball to try and stop the cramps but it wasnt working. ethan slid his hand down from you shoulder to your stomach and left his hand there substituting a heating pad and gently massaged your belly, you had a great rest of the after noon with ethan and your parents treat ethan like family so you were so happy when they said he could sleep over for the night.

a/n: i hope you all enjoyed this imagine xoxo 

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