• Chapter 1 •

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"I never thought that I would be the same after I met him. He had such an impact on me and my life. But I didn't only saw the bad in him. There was something about him what made him look innocent from inside. He was just a little boy, trapped in his own dark cage"

• • • • •

Mila's P.O.V

I walked through the hallway of my apartment. I was ready to go. It's 8.30 am. I needed to go to work, but I felt extremely tired.

Since my family left me alone for my study, here in Melbourne, I immediately searched for a job. I found my place at 'Coffee and Bagels'. I just need the money; mostly for my study.

I packed my bag and took the last sip of my coffee. I walked out and closed the door behind me. I had not many friends around here. It's not that I hate it here.. I just want to be with my family, that's all. But I needed to be mature and on my own.

I finally arrived and opened the shop. I walked in and placed my bag on the counter. I sighed, another 8 hours work for me to do. I put on my apron and put my bag on the shelf back in the store. I soon saw my workmates and greeted them. James was my favourite. He was always so bubbly and his smile made everyone smile. I know him for a couple of years now.

People were taking place and I waited patiently for someone to put their hand up so I could take their order. It wasn't very busy at all. I saw a guy with brown hair and hazel eyes raising his hand; the sleeve of his tattoo showing up. The colored drawings must had a meaning behind it. He also wore many bracelets. I walked over to him. He looked pretty good.

"Can I take your order?" I smiled, waiting to scribble something down on my notebook.

"I don't fucking know it yet?" he snapped, looking disgusted at me. I was taken away by his words.

"But you raised your hand and I thought that you would maybe order something" I said politely, not willing to sound shocked.

"Go away Mila!" he then shouted, stood up and fisted his hands. I took a step back. He looked at me, his dark eyes burning through my soul. His eyes trailed down my body and an evil smirk was formed on his lips. His tongue went past his lower lip. He then left.

I just stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. I walked back where I first stood. Didn't know why it happened, but it sure was weird so I shrugged it off.

"Hey, what's wrong?," I heard James questioning me beside me.

"It's like you've seen a ghost or something".

"Something like that," I muttered with a small smile. I didn't know if I should tell James this or not. I should stop making a big deal out of little things. I think that it sometimes affects people. But not taking James in trust is one of the one of the stupidest things a living human can do. So I started telling James what was wrong.

"Did he had a lip ring?" He asked this time more curious, pointing with his finger at his lips.

"Uh yes. And his stare.. Affected me like, I don't know.." I sighed, cringing at how creepy he and his actions were. But I was also surprised about how James knew that he had a lip ring. "How do you know he has a lip ring? Do you know him?" I asked, looking at him.

"Long story." He simply said and got back to work.

I didn't notice that there was a woman standing, waiting for an order. "I'm waiting for my coffee for ten damn minutes! I'm getting late to work!" She said and I apologized about that. I was currently snapped back to reality and I continued to work.

• • • • •

We all got finished with work and I was about to leave, until I remembered my conversation with James this morning. I put on my jacket and saw James pulling on his too. I quickly ran over to him and grabbed his arm. "Wait, James, I want to talk with you about what happened this morning" I said, and he sighed. "I think I have no choice" he started and we both walked outside. I closed and locked the door behind me. "So. Tell me more about that guy" I said, waiting patiently.

"His name is Luke. We went to school together. I was always better than him. Everyone was. He was always alone and created his own dark place. Luke is.. he isn't like us. I don't want to scare you, but he has mental problems, like illness. He has done unimaginable things. I don't know exactly what, but to be honest, I don't even want to know. He has been in a mental institution for like 6 years, but he's free now. They believe that it's going better with him, but I'm not sure about it though. I never believed him. If I was you, than I would stay as far as away from his as I can. Don't even try to make anymore contact with him." James said, and I noticed that my hands were shaking.

James noticed it too and grabbed my hands. "I can't believe it.. He seems so..alone and innocent.." I slightly spoke. I had to swallow my words. "Believe me, he's not. Well, this is all what I know about him. Don't feel scared or sad! He won't do trouble to us." James smiled slightly and I felt more comfortable.

Don't be scared. Of course I'm not.

I shot him a smile back before I noticed that we reached my apartment. "I should go. See you tomorrow again" I smiled and hugged him. James rubbed my back and nodded. "Stay safe" he winked and walked away. Don't get me wrong, James's a nice and sweet guy, but I don't have feelings for him.

I walked in my apartment and shot the door behind me. I collapsed on the couch, not being hungry. I decided to put on my pajamas and walked to the bathroom to brush my teethes, just for freshness. I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked in.

"Be scared" was painted red on my bathroom mirror. I closed my eyes for a seconds and I was taking deep breaths. I opened my eyes again and it was gone.

Unimaginable || Luke Brooks *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now