• Chapter 6 •

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"My demons and I are not compatible. We never have been and never will be"

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Mila's P.O.V

Today's the funeral of James's father. Although he didn't wanted me to come, I was still going. I put on my black tight dress and heels. I applied a bit make up, not much though. My hair wasn't tied and I just went with my fingers through it. I grabbed my black umbrella; it was supposed to rain today.

I had about 30 minutes left before I had to go. The cemetery wasn't far away, just a couple of streets. Joan told me about it. She heard the tragic of James father from his mother.

I looked around, searching for a sign of Luke. He was the first thing on my mind when I went to bed, and when I woke up. It was strange.

I decided to leave when I hadn't to do anything anymore. I was scared for James's reaction when he sees me. He'd probably be furious. I started to shake. It's going to be emotional, so I prepared on that.

I closed the door behind me and walked to the cemetery where the funeral was going on. I was just on time. I arrived and saw a group of people standing around a grave. I saw Joan, and some other people. Where was James?

People were holding umbrellas above their head; they'd probably feel some raindrops. Everyone was covered in black clothes, it was a depressing sight. I walked over to the grave and stood next to a man.

"Young lady, what are you doing here? This place isn't for little girls" He said and looked at my dress. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked away from him. I decided to stand next to a woman.

My eyes locked with James and his mouth fell open. I walked over to him.

"James, I'm sorry but I won't ever let you down" I quickly said. "You already have"

"James-" "Shrug it off, Mila. Forget about it. He's dead now!" James shouted and everyone looked at us.

I was going red and looked down. James walked away and I stood next to the woman again.

I saw the coffin. White roses were decorated on it. I suddenly heard someone speak through the microphone,

"Welcome, everybody. We're here to say our goodbyes to Mr. Yammouni. He was a good man, with a good heart. Unfortunately, he has tragically passed away from us. You can now come forward to speak" The man said and stepped back. James was the first one who got to say something. He gulped before speaking,

"M-my father.. We hadn't much contact. I wish we had.." He then started crying and a lady next to him rubbed his back, probably his mother. She was crying too, people beside me were crying and I just stood there. Knowing the fact that I have contact with Luke made me feel so bad. My heart broke into pieces.

It started to rain. More people opened their umbrellas but I didn't. I couldn't move. I totally froze. James continued,

"I will miss you. I'm sorry if I ever disappointed you in life. You're away, but in our heart, you'll always be there. You're at a better place now. May God have your soul" He sniffed, "Amen". "Amen" repeated the public but me.

Some other people, probably family, came up and also spoke. My legs started hurting but I wasn't childish to complain about it.

I heard someone chuckling. How could someone laugh about this tragic? I turned around and saw Luke standing in the opening of the cemetery. He had a twisted smirk on. What the hell was he doing here?

I turned around, checking if somebody has noticed something. Everyone was busy with their speakings, so I quickly ran on my high heels over to Luke.

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