• Chapter 3 •

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"When your eyes are red, and emptiness is all you know, with the darkness fed, I will be your scarecrow"

• • • • •

We had a day off and I was pretty happy about it. I could finally get some rest. Unfortunately, Luke's words kept repeating in my head.

"You're the only one who can help me"

I didn't understood him. Maybe, I should talk with James about this. I mean, James knows who he is, right?

Don't tell it him, please

I heard a voice. It was strangely not from outside. It was in my head. It was a familiar voice but I couldn't figure out who it was..


I beg you, please. Please

"Stop it" I snapped to myself.

Don't tell it him.

"Stop" I shouted this time.

Don't say a word

"Okay!" I screamed.

I now realised that he made me crazy on purpose. He enjoyed this, I'm sure.

I packed my bag and went downstairs. I wanted to visit James. I wanted to know if he's still pissed or not.

Without thinking, I left my apartment and ran over to James house.

It was like, I wasn't safe outside. Like, someone watched me.

I knocked on James door and waited patiently. He opened and he looked surprised. "Come in" he said before I could even ask.

We sat on the couch and he handed me a coke. I wasn't really thirsty; All I wanted was to clear this thing about Luke up.

James looked sad. He could cry every moment. His hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes. He showed no facial expression. He was like dead. But alive. "Why are you here?" He suddenly asked.

"Are you..mad?" I quietly asked.

"No I'm not fucking mad" He snapped and I was confused.
I wanted to clear this all up,

"Why aren't you happy?-"

"-Yeah, let's be happy. After you heard that your father was murdered you should be happy. Why not" he said sarcastically.

Wait, his father.. What happened?

"Wow James. Your father is.. murdered? I feel so sorry for you. I just.., I mean when, how? Who did-"

His hands covered his face. He was sniffing and I felt guilty. I felt sorry for him. This was hideous. I heard him sighing.


"It was Luke. I'm one hundred percent sure. He killed my father. He. Who else?"

"James it could be anyone,"

"No! He always hated me. This is his pay back. I fucking knew it. I knew it! He's crazy. He's a psychopath!" James screamed out.

I understood his anger and sadness. I stood up and was ready to leave. I didn't think that he would come working tomorrow.

I don't think that it was Luke.
But I heard him again.

I was it, I was it.

"I.." There was a lump in my throat. I could barely speak.

Unimaginable || Luke Brooks *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now