• Chapter 12 •

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"Your hands may be gentle, your eyes may be kind, but lurking beneath, is a sick, twisted mind"

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Mila's P.O.V

I kept tossing and turning, I couldn't really sleep. I just had this strong feeling that something was about to happen and I didn't knew what and why though.

I closed my eyes shut and took deep breaths. I calmed down a bit and fell asleep. My mind wandered off.

Moments later, I was being awoken by some screeching sounds. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. My sight was pretty blurry in the darkness, so I flicked on the lamp beside me. I turned around and saw Luke rocking back and forth.

"Luke?" I said, trying to look at his face. His eyes were fully open as they were staring into nowhere and his knees were brought up and held against his chin, with his arms around it.

"Luke" I then said louder, but he kept ignoring me. I slightly shook his shoulder but he didn't moved a muscle. I started to worry. He was completely in trance. He didn't even blinked.

"Luke" I said, very loud again and shook his arms harder. I slapped his face a bit, but didn't gained response.

"Luke!" I then shouted and his head shot my way. His eyes were red again, but I didn't heard him crying. He did had dried tears over his face, and as soon as I noticed, he wiped them away.

"Go to sleep, Mila" he said as he cupped my face and kissed my forehead. "No why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying" He said and chuckled a bit. I nodded, I was too tired to argue with him again, so I quietly and laid down. Luke did the same and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm not as bad as I seem, right?" "Not at all" I smiled closing my eyes. "Who would've known how sweet I could actually be" He chuckled in my ear.

"You know I love you, right?" "Hm" I mumbled, half asleep. "I really do"

"I made a poem for you, last night" he continued. I didn't really bother, I just wanted to sleep.

"Go ahead" I yawned.

"When I tell you that I love you, the meaning is so profound. For, in you my fate has been uncovered, and my soul finally found. When I tell you that I love you.. What I'm trying to express, is that you can always count on me because I'll give you nothing but the best. When I tell you that I love you, I'm trying to convey, how much I admire you. And that, in a thousand different ways"

I turned around and saw Luke blushing. "That was- beautiful" I was truly speechless. It was so sweet. "No. It's not, sorry, forget about it" Luke said nervously and I smiled a bit. Our eyes locked with each other and we both leaned in.

Our lips then touched each other's, moving perfectly in synch. It was not forced, it was sweet and true. It was just us. We pulled away and Luke went with his thumb over my lips. "I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I'll never love you any less than I do, right this second" He whispered.

He wanted to hear that I loved him too, but I didn't knew if I truly did. I mean, Luke was all cute and stuff if he was himself, but beside that, he was still a psychopath. God knows what he would do to me.

"Alright, go to sleep" He smiled and kissed me once more before stroking my cheek. I nodded and turned around, a smile plastered on my face. I didn't knew what was wrong with me. I was just glad that Luke was himself.

"Wake up wake up wake up!" Someone shouted while jumping on the bed. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before looking up and noticing that it was Luke. "Luke" I groaned while he laughed. "Why are you doing this to me"

"I don't know, I missed you" He smiled slightly while I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I'm going to make a stunning breakfast for you, princess" He said with a British accent, which made me laugh. "Alrighty then" I replied.

Luke quickly pecked my lips before leaving. My phone went suddenly off.

"Hello" I answered happily.

"Hey Mila, it's Jai. I thought, maybe we could go, you know, drink something together. I understand if you say no" he said nervously.

"Oh, yeah sure" I said. I actually kinda missed Jai. He was the opposite of Luke, which is good since Luke is totally psychotic. Okay, Luke wasn't that now or last night, but I was honestly scared for him having outbursts.

"Great! I'll pick you up tonight at 7" Jai replied.

"See you then" And with that, I ended the call. I saw Luke coming in with a bowl of popcorn.

"Luke, popcorn for in the morning? Seriously?" "Well, I basically burnt the eggs and the bread was too old and yeah" He chuckled,

"So this is my stunning breakfast" He handed it over to me. I patted on the bed for him to sit beside me. "Plans today?" I asked, taking a handful of popcorn. "Well, I wanted to hang out with you, because I'm mostly myself around you" He said and sighed, "Am I getting better yet?"

"Slowly but sure, I think" I said, giving him some confidence. He weakly smiled and ate some popcorn. "I honestly would love to cuddle with you all day, but there are some things that need to be done" He then said and reminded himself of something. He quickly got up and cupped my face,

"Don't worry" he said and kissed my lips. I didn't wanted to kiss back since I had no clue what he was about to do. "Luke" I whispered, when he was about to leave,

"Don't hurt anybody"

He looked at me and then looked down. "I won't" He said, turned around and left me alone.

I hoped that he wasn't lying.

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Short chapter, so sorry, cause I'm not feeling really well but I wanted to update. Comment/Vote = really appreciated like always (: and make sure to check out my other book: 75 Days || Luke Brooks.

I'm going to make longer and better chapters for sure. Again, I apologize.

Unimaginable || Luke Brooks *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now