• Chapter 27 •

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"Death is funny, when you think about it. Everybody does it, but nobody knows how, exactly how"

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Mila's P.O.V

I was harshly grabbed by someone while I was still half asleep. I didn't sleep the whole night because I was thinking about a plan or something. But I still managed to fall asleep. I rubbed my eyes and saw Jai packing his bag and flinging it over his shoulder. He placed some cash on the table, along with a small knife. I looked at him and his actions and rolled my eyes. I didn't expect any better from him. I pulled on my flannel since I was cold. It was freezing and I just wanted this all to be over. Moaning and complaining is useless, we all know, so maybe try escaping can work?

He would eventually be faster than me.

"Are we really going to Seattle?" I managed to ask Jai and he turned around. "You think I'm joking?" He said,

"You think I'm joking?" He stepped closer while I froze. I gulped and inhaled my breath.

"Think again"

He grabbed me by my wrist and we left the little hotel room, Jai basically running downstairs and dragging me. "Thank you for your stay. Have a nice-" "Shut the fuck up" Jai cut the receptionist off and I found it rather rude than funny.

He pushed me in the car, locked the door and got in on the other side. He pulled on the engine and sped off.

Halfway through, I was fully awake and wanted to know every single thing of what was going to happen. "So.. Seattle. Really?" I asked while still not believing it.

He didn't gave a respond and kept his eyes on the road. "Jai, running away from your problems is useless" I tried to convince him that we could at least talk and that I wouldn't tell anybody of what happened. But he still ignored me and it was getting on my nerves.

"You don't have my passport anyways" I scoffed then as I lost my temper and Jai turned his heady to face me

"You think so? You think I'm dumb and lost and that this all is just made up a second ago? No darling, this took me a very long time. Since the day you and Luke have met, I began planning this all out. And of course it works. I'm a genius"

He began driving faster and I could do was hold my seat and be quiet.

"Luke is going to find me" I whispered underneath my breath, trying to stay positive as much as I could. "He isn't, cause when our eyes met, he will die" Jai said and bit his lip,

"It feels good to be like this"

I looked at him while he said that and saw tears forming in his eyes. "I'm a genius" he repeated and knew that he wasn't. I would assume that he knew that he had problems, that he was in a lot of shit and that he couldn't solve everything by his own. He wasn't strong. He was weak. He created a world for himself where he is the boss, where he's the ruler. But in real life, he isn't. He's just someone else in the crowd, just like me and Luke.

"What are you thinking?" Jai shouted and I jumped a little. "About how I'm going to be free soon. Your imaginary world will be destroyed. You aren't something special you just think that you are! In a very bad way!" I shouted back. "You know nothing" Jai snapped back and didn't say a word after.

By the time I woke up, the sun was already setting and we were driving on the airport. This is really happening, I thought. I started to get nervous. My fingers were shaking and I bit my lip until I felt blood.

Jai parked his car and got out, walked around the car and grabbed me by my arm. "Don't try running away from me, otherwise you will never be able to" He spoke harshly and I nodded, tiredly. We walked to the check-in. There were about ten people for us but Jai just walked through them and pushed them away.

"Seattle, U.S.A. One way. Two persons" Jai snapped and threw the passports at the lady. The lady was dumbfounded by his actions, so was I. "Lower your voice" she said and then, Jai threw her computer at the ground and people started yelling and running away. Jai grabbed his knife and threatened the lady,

"One more word. And you'll be dead"

The lady agreed and quickly stamped our passports with our tickets. My jaw was still dropped but you could expect this from Jai. Jai put the passports in his pocket and let me go for a second. This was my chance.

I began running. I ran, fast as I could. People around me were looking at me and I even heard some people shouting that running isn't allowed. Fuck yourself.

I wanted to go in the lady's bathroom, but that would be too serious. I was already running out of breath and I looked around. I saw a phone cell but I didn't had any coins with me. I was lost, I didn't knew what to do and if Jai would find me, he would kill me. What have I done. I immediately regret my actions but I maybe could escape. I jumped behind a row of chairs and lurked through the holes of the chairs if Jai was coming. My heart raced on top speed.

A little girl walked behind me and was playing on-what I assume- her mothers phone. Maybe I could call Luke with it. "Hey little bud, can you maybe lend me your phone?" I asked as nicely as I could. I looked horrible, so maybe she would be scared of me. "Mommy! This girl wants my phone!" She shouted and I muttered a 'fuck you'. I stood up and while turning around, I bumped into Jai.

Luke's P.O.V

I was slowly thinking of giving up but I knew I had to go on and find her. It was night and I was thinking of all the possibilities of where she could be. I had no one, I had to do this all by myself. I then felt the need of using drugs. Weird, I hadn't used in a long time. I checked my pockets but I hadn't any since ages. I picked my phone and wanted to dial Jack, my dealer, but then I remembered something.

He was my only hope. When I was being hit&kicked by him, it was in association with Jai. Jai told him to do that. So Jack might now what's Jai up to. I could just pray that he would tell me that.

I dialed his number and bit my lip, waiting un patiently for him to pick up his phone.

"With Jack" he said and I froze a little. I began explaining everything to him, hoping that he had a sort heart and that he could help me. It was weird that I trusted him,I haven't even thought about the consequences. He could tell my name to the police, they were probably already looking for me.

"I heard him talking about Elvis and Kurt a lot. Especially about Kurt. He said how he is his icon and shit like that. He would love to go to Seattle one day" I heard him talking and I face-palmed myself. "But ofcourse!" I groaned. "Thanks, I think" "Wait Sherlock, hundred box"

"I'll give it to you as soon as possible" I hung up and grabbed my coat. Would Jai really bring him and her to Seattle? There was no time for thinking. I had to hurry.

I pulled on my shoes and went outside. It was pitch dark. I ran to the train station since I haven't got a car. The 11:00 'o clock train came just by time and I hopped on.

I paid and sat down. I couldn't sit still. I scrolled through my phone, looking when airplanes were flying over to Seattle. About fifteen minutes would the first one go. I hope I wasn't too late.

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Long chapter. Sorry for not updating, school is keeping me busy. Tell me what your thoughts are! (: comment/vote <3

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