Chapter Two: Our Own World

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may be disturbing for some
++++ [=] warning

5 years since Praimfaya

Bellamy's POV

My eyes flew open and i gasped for air. I sat up in bed trying to catch my breath and stop shaking, i have the same nightmare a lot.

nightmare start

Clarke. I'm running after Clarke, and she's always just out of reach. I run and I run and I run. I finally caught her, and threw my arms around her, bringing her into a hug, but suddenly she starts to falling apart, disintegrating in my arms, her limbs detach from her body. Until she is nothing more, i scream and i scream until i wake myself up.

nightmare over

I throw off my covers and lean over the side of the bed panting. I'm about to go get a glass of water when the door opens.

"Hey," Monty says, 'nightmare?'

I stare at the ground. "Yeah."

He sits down next to me, and Raven and Murphy walk through the door.

"Hey Bell", Raven says, sitting on the desk chair, "the same nightmare?"

"Yes", i sigh.

Raven leans her hand on her chin looking deep in thought.

The nightmares have been going on for a few years. The hallucinations however are new. I see Clarke a lot, she seems so real.

But she's not. She's dead. She's gone.

Murphy sits down next to me and puts his arm across my shoulders. "Well i have some news that will cheer you up. So... Raven, can i tell them?"

Echo, Emori, and Harper are now standing at the door.

"Tell us what?!" Echo says, bouncing on her toes.

Raven and Murphy share a glance. "Tomorrow we are going home!" Raven exclaims, unable to contain her excitement she jumps up from the chair. "We're going home!!"

"WAHOOO" everyone yells, talking excitedly. Hope fills out hearts.

"Octavia," i whisper, a smile spreading across my face. In 24 hours i will be face to face with my little sister, who I haven't seen in 5 years! I wonder what she will look like, what she will be like.

Raven whistles and everyone quiets down. "We will meet at breakfast tomorrow, and go over the details. But for now, get some sleep. You're gonna need it for preparing the ship for for landing."

Everyone leaves except Raven, she turns to me. "Except you Bell, i need you in medical. We need to go over your test results."

I sigh, and stand up slowly, stretching. "Okay fine." i drawl. We walk down the long hallway until we reach the medical room. Raven is no doctor, but Clarke and Abby taught her a fair amount. And her brain is amazing, she's super smart. It's come in handy a lot. Like now.

She pulls up a image on the computer, a picture of my brain. "You probably won't understand any of this, so I'll try to explain it simply." She says laughing. I stick my tongue out at her.

"So the scans of your brain? They're normal." My face falls, if there is nothing wrong, than i am just plain going crazy??

She sees my reaction, and covers her hand with mine. "Your not crazy." She says, looking me in the eyes. I let go of the breath I didn't know i was holding.

She leans back in her chair. "Hallucinations are often caused by grief, typically within the first year, but your special." She says, trying to get me to smile, it doesn't work.

"It's only partially grief, the other side of it is PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." She looks me in the eyes. "Bell what you went through was traumatic. You are doing GREAT. Okay? So go easy on yourself. Okay?." I sigh, she's right, I need to stop beating myself up.

She gets up, "now get some sleep kid, tomorrow we are finally going home," she ruffles my hair with a smile.

She leaves the room, leaves me to sit in silence. I kick my feet against the floor feeling sorry for myself and spin around in the office chair until I'm so dizzy I can't see straight.

Once i can see again, i walk down the hallway to look out of the window that overlooks Earth.

I don't know how long I've been staring out the window when i feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around. It's Clarke.

"You're not real," i whisper to myself, "You're a hallucination."

She smiles and reaches up and pushes my hair out of my face. I haven't bothered to cut it, and it's a long tangled mess now.

"I'm real Bell. I'm real. I'm here," she smiles at me. My hands shake as i reach them out to touch her face. But before i can touch her I hesitate.

She's not real, I tell myself, and i walk away.


"T-6 hours until we go home!" Harper says, as Murphy and i walk into the dining room together. We both grin, and i bounce on the tips of my toes.

Murphy walks up to Raven at the counter, "I'll have some bacon and hashbrowns." He quips with a grin. She smiles, "Algae soup it is!" And slops some onto his plate.

When we are done with breakfast we go to pack up our things. We don't have much. Some changes of clothes, my journal, a deck of cards, a few books. And of course my picture of Clarke that i pinned on the wall next to me bed.

I throw them all in my blanket and wrap it up. I walk to the dropship, and everyone is already there with their stuff. Excitment is filling our hearts, for the first time in 5 years.

"Alright," Raven claps her hands. "Now that we're all here, let's get to work!"


It's a few hours later when i hear something bang against the floor, inside the drop ship. I drop my screwdriver and run inside with the others and we peer down to see what's happening.

Raven is sitting on the floor with her head in her hands. We all rush over. She grabs the hammar next to her and throws it across the dropship with a scream.

Emori and Echo jump. Raven looks up and brushes tears of anger off her face. "We can't go home."

Murphy sits down next to her and puts his arm around her shoulders as she sobs. We gather around her in concern.

"Why can't we?" Monty asks, concern in his voice. She looks up at him, "We must have sustained some damage on the way here. I don't know if i can fix it." She sobs harder. Then looks up at us.

"We're stuck here, we can't go home."


A/N heyy 💖 hope you enjoyed the second chapter, vote and comment if you did!

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