Chapter Eighteen: Verge

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Raven's POV

The next morning i wake up to someone whispering my name. "Raven, Raven wake up."

I groan and pull my pillow over my head, getting a small glimpse out the window in the process. "The sun is barely up, go away!" I say grumpily.

Echo takes my blanket away with a quick motion, and i shiver as the cold air touches my skin. "Argh." I toss my pillow at her, she ducks with a laugh. "Okay, okay, I'm up."

"Get dressed and meet me outside." She demands, leaving the room, but at the last second ducking her head back through the door, "You better not fall back asleep, i will kill you Reyes."

I sigh as i pull my jeans out of the drawer, but I can't hide the smile on my face, "Bossy much?"


I wrap my arms around myself as i step outside, the cold breeze dancing across my skin. The sun is just starting to rise, it's about six in the morning, way too early to be awake. I glance at Echo out of the corner of my eye, she's glowing in the light of the rising sun.

It's beautiful, the sunset is a mix of pinks, oranges, and yellows. The leaves on the trees are fading into reds and oranges. The grass on the ground is vibrant green. I missed this, the beauty of Earth.

"Worth it?" Echo asks me, glancing at me with a slight smile. I nod. Completely worth it.

We walk over, making our way up the steep hill. The view is breathtaking, and i have never felt more alive.

Echo lays down on the top of the hill, and i lay down next to her, our hands touching. "Wow." She says, in awe of the beauty of the sky. She looks over at me, "It makes me think." She says, and i look over at her, "How can all this just be some random accident. Being here, it doesn't feel like an accident. This universe can't just be a mistake."

I smile, Echo has always been the deep thinker. I examine the sky, "Let me tell you a secret." I say, propping myself up on my elbows, "Did you know that the if the gravitational force were altered by 00000000000000000000000000000000000001 % then the sun would not exist, and neither would we. There are too many things in this universe that are too perfect to be coincidence."

She smiles, "What about the multiverse theory? That there are an infinte number pf universes and ours is the one out of them all that is perfectly fine tuned to support life?" Her eyes flickering across the sky.

"You can't have an infinite number of finite things." I tell her, grabbing a handful of rocks, "Count outan infinite amount of rocks." I hand them to her.

Realization crosses her face, she can't, because, it's impossible. You can't count to infinity because it's an abstract concept.

Echo leans her head against me, in the space between my shoulder and head. "Then what's your theory o wise one?" I laugh.

"Honestly? I have no clue, but i bet whatever it is, it's pretty epic." I smile as i move around to get comfortable, drifting into sleep with Echo and I's heads touching. We are too perfect together to be a coincidence. That, i know.


Clarke's POV

Ptw (nightmare)

The people surround me, all with gruesome injuries, arms ripped off, bullet holes, and blood gushing everywhere. One of the people with only one arm left, grabs my arm and i scream, struggling to escape his grip. His eyes bore straight into my soul, "You did this to me!" He snarls, i wiggle out of his grasp, just as his mouth opens and blood comes pouring out, he collapses to the ground, vomiting everywhere. I scream and scream until screaming is all that i am.

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