Chapter Twenty-Two: Crazy Love

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She walks into the room, purposefully. Every step taken with a measure of confidence. I watch her from the other side of the room, as she makes her way towards me. She is beauty, she is perfection. She reaches me, about to run in to me. Her fist swings back, and punches me right in the face.

Diozya's POV

I scan the room, looking for Mccreary, rage flows through my veins and my hands shake with adrenaline. The audacity, how dare he. At least he doesn't know what i know and it will catch him by surprise.

I clench my hands into fists, clenching and unclenching them. I can't believe it. It only happened once, how is this possible? I have the worst luck. I walk up to him and punch him square in the face, everyone turns around to look. He just looks annoyed. "What the hell Charmaine. What was that for?" I grab his arm and drag him into the other room, people are staring and whispering, and yes, while it felt good to deck him in public, no one else needs to know what I'm about to tell him.

"This is your own fault." His eyes wander over me aimlessly and he sighs, "What did i do?" He asks. "You slept with me!" I declare.

He raises an eyebrow, "Yeah it was mutual and it was ages ago." I sigh, "I know that." I say defensively. He leans back against the wall, "Continue, what's the problem?"

I wring my hands together, preparing myself for what I'm about to tell him. "I'm pregnant, you're the father." The gun he has been holding this whole time, casually in the crook of his arm, crashes to the ground and he stares at me. "That's not possible!"

"It is, we were in cryo sleep for 100 years, but the baby survived, frozen in time like us. It's true." His eyes bore into mine intently. "Oh my God." He paces back in forth, "You're sure?" I whack his shoulder with the back of my hand, "Yes I'm sure you idiot!"

"Okay, okay. Geez." He complains. Just then the door opens, a familiar face peeks in. "Everything okay?" Zeke Shaw asks, his eyes flickering from me to Mccreary. I nod, and Mccreary raises an eyebrow at me, "I thought you were mad that we slept together..."

"I'm not mad about that! I'm mad that you got me pregnant!" I retort, Zeke points back through the door, "Yeah I'm just gonna go now." He slips back through the door quickly. Mccreary's lips twitch into a small smile. "Admit it, that was kind of funny." A snort comes out of my nose before i can stop myself.

Silence settles around us, suddenly i feel like admitting someone. "It's not as bad as i thought, you being the father of my child. Even if you are a mass murderer." He leans back against the wall, "Admit it, you're still in love with me."

My heart pounds like mad, blood rushing to my cheeks. I can't help it. I do love him. "I think i always will." I admit, softly. He steps closer to me and suddenly we are kissing and electricity is racing through my veins. He is warm and he smells good and i melt against him. The whole world fades away and there is nothing but him and i.


The next morning i crawl out of bed quietly, trying not to disturb Mccreary. He looks peaceful, I haven't seen him look peaceful in years. I remember the day we met, it was ages ago, 105 years to be exact. I was late. Rushing to get to my first class of my senior year of college. It was art class, i was rummaging through my backpack as I jogged down the hall, not paying attention to where i was going. We ran into each other and my paintbrushes fell all over the ground.

It started small, hanging out after class, getting coffee, going on hikes, until one day when class got done early and we had time to kill, so we got pizza and went and ate it under the bleachers of the gym. Hidden in a world of her own, we had been talking, full stomachs along with the wine we smuggled in and suddenly he kissed me, i dropped my slice of pizza in shock, then started to kiss him back. We made out under there for hours, our hearts pounding fast. Afraid of what would happen to our friendship now that we ruined it.

Instead we became an inseparable couple. One of those couples who are mushy and annoying all the time, yeah that was us. I became the cliche that i had always hated.

My trip down memory lane is interrupted as i hear footsteps behind me. I whirl around, it's Leigh, my sister. She takes the glass of water out of my hands and takes a sip, i stare at her. "What?" She says, "I was thirsty." I shake my head, annoyed. Sisters.

She looks up at me. "You're glowing." I duck my face and mutter, "No I'm not."

"Okayyyyy." She answers is a singsong voice. My lips twitch as i try not to smile. "It has to do with Mccreary doesn't it?" She says flicking her bangs out of her face, she's gloating. How does she know. Then her face twists, and her eyes go wide in horror. I stop breathing, time seems to stop as my brain tries to process what happens next, she gags and blood spills out from her lips. She crumples to the ground revealing a black hooded figure behind her.

No, no, no. I drop to the ground beside my younger sister. "Cmon Lee, wake up, you're gonna be okay." I sob into her shoulder, obviously to the masked man who turns and exits the room skilfully, his blood-covered knife shimmering, then he is gone.

I scream. The world fades to black.


A/N So i have been crazy busy with school but here is the next part! I'm about to start tying everything together now and it will become a lot more action and fast-paced. Comment a ❤️ if you enjoyed this chapter!

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