Chapter Thirteen: My Sister, My Responsibility

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Bellamy's POV

Mere hours after finding out that the girl i loved was actually alive, i had lost her. If only I hadn't run away, god I'm such an idiot. I think to myself. Then i'm shaken out of my thoughts by Raven punching me in the forearm.

"Ouch, geez what was that for?" I ask grumpily. She gazes off into the distance, "It's because i know you. I know that you are blaming yourself and beating yourself up, when it's not your fault." She says.

I rub my arm, and try to look annoyed, but I already feel better. In my years on the ark, Raven became one of my best friends. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but she's fierce and smart and she keeps me balanced.

"I could have done something," i tell her miserably. "Yes, you could have." She replies and i look up at her in shock, "i'm not sure but i think you're supposed to reassure me, not rub it in."

She turns to me, "Look Bell, there is always something that we could do differently. We can't spend out time agonizing over it, all we can do is learn from it. We are human and do the best we can, in the time we've got." She says softly.

"Look," Echo says, squinting into the distance, "There's someone over there!"

I'm about to make a run for it but Echo throws her arm in front of me. "Wait." Raven stops too, turning to look at Echo.

I hear a shriek, that sounds exactly like Madi. I make out three people in the distance, with sacks over their heads, being dragged away by three other people, the same ones that held us captive.

Clarke, Murphy, Madi, are in trouble.

We crouch down and follow them, keeping plenty of distance between us, hoping they won't see us following them.

It's exhausting work, not knowing what is happening and wondering where they are taking my friends, and what they have in store for them, but we trudge forward. Soon we come upon a large abandoned building, and they all disappear inside.

"What's our plan Reyes?" I turn to Raven and Echo looks at her, from the clump of trees we are hiding behind. She taps her fingers against her lips, thinking, "Hmmm," she surveys the scene, "How about we sneak over and take out those guards there," Raven lays out the plan, then shoots a pointed glance at Echo, "and by take them out i mean unconscious not dead." Echo says dryly, "Okay no murder today, got it." The corner of Raven's mouth twitches as she tries to hide her smile.

Echo has changed so much in space, we all have. None of us is the person that we used to be. But that's the constant of life, change. Still I can't help feeling proud of how far Echo has come.

"We take the guards out, and use their uniforms to sneak and in break our friends out." Raven suggests, "Any takers?"

I nod, and I slip my gun out from my waistband and Echo slides her sword out from its sheath. "You distract, i knock them out from behind?" She proposes. I nod.

Raven watches as Echo carefully makes her way around the building, dodging behind trees and bushes. I rack my mind for a distraction technique, but in the end i just wing it.

I walk out into the open, holding my hands up, "I surrender! I want to speak to your commander." I yell, my voice echoing in the valley. The guards swivel around at the sound of my voice and start running around the side of the building towards me. I notice Raven isn't hiding in the bushes where i had left her. Damn.

Focus, Bellamy. I remind myself.

Once they round the corner Echo knocks the first one down with a blow to the head from the hilt of her sword. The second doesn't have time to react before she takes him out with a right hook to the jaw. The third has more time to react and he swings around and sprints down the length of the building, when suddenly he flips over backwards unconscious on the ground, revealing a proud Raven standing in front of him, cradling her hand.

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