Chapter Three: We Are Grounders

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5 years after Praimfaya

Clarke's POV

My eyes open to the sun shining down on my face. And to an enthusiastic teenage natblida bouncing on her toes, saying "c'mon Clarke! Today is the day your friends are coming back!"

I sit up, and she reaches out her hand to help me stand. She is Madi. We met when she was just 7 years old. Scared, alone, and injured after surviving Praimfaya.

I survived Praimfaya too (obviously) The nightblood kept me alive. Nightblood is the cure for radiation.

She doesn't talk much about her past, it's painful. All i know is her parents abandoned her. I won't abandon her.

"Okay kid, get the radio!" I tell her and she bounces off to go grab it. I stretch and change into my day clothes. I grab a piece of jerky and devour it, despite the butterflies flying around in my stomach.

I haven't seen Bellamy, and the others in 5 years. Everyday i radio Bellamy, but I don't know if he can hear me. He never answers. But still i keep on calling him, i still have hope. I'm still breathing.

Madi brings the radio over. She full of excitement, for years she's heard stories of people she has never met. They are her heroes, and today she gets to meet them.

"We're gonna see Raven, and Murphy, and Monty, and Harper, and Emori, and Echo! And of course you're favorite Bellamy!" She exclaims, dissolving into giggles.

I laugh and shush her. I never told her i loved Bellamy. It just kinda came out in my stories. She says she can tell by the look in my eyes when i talk about him.

"And we get to see your Mom, Octavia, Niylah, Kane, and the others when they come out of the bunker!" She bounces on her toes, and hands me the radio.

I can't wait to be reunited with everyone. Even with Madi, I'ts so lonely. I miss my friends, so much.

I climb the hill with the radio. I do this everyday, radio Bellamy. He never responds, I don't even know if he hears me. I guess it's my way of staying sane, because he's gone.

I take a deep breath, "Hey Bellamy it's been 1834 days since Praimfaya. I miss you every single day. It's pretty boring down here. At least i have Madi, I don't know what i would do without her. I don't know what to do without you."

I let go of the talk button and wipe away a tear that has made its way down my cheek. "Anyway it's been 5 years, so if all goes as planned i will see you soon!"

I walk back down to Becca's bunker, which Madi and i had made our home. She bounds out, clearly excited. It makes me grateful to see her this happy.

"Hey little natblida," i call out, and she runs into my arms. "Are you ready to go to the bunker?" I ask.

She nods her head against my chest, then let's go and runs off as she says "I'll go get the guns!"

I hop into the rover and Madi places our guns in the back. Hopefully we won't need them but you never know.

I start the engine and floor it as Madi yelps in delight as we weave between trees. I grin as the wind whips through my hair. My life may be pretty lonely now, but it's still good.


Five hours later we arrive at the bunker. I jump out and stretch, I'm really sore from sitting in one position. Madi hits my shoulder.

"What?" i ask, but when i look up i see it. The tower at the center of Polis had fallen over the bunker.

I run to it and drop to my knees in the dirt. How could this be? Madi and i were here a few months ago! The wave of radiation must have loosened the foundation of the tower, and it had finally gave way.

I start digging in the dirt around it frantically as tears fall down my face.

"No" i whisper, "No, no!"

My mom, Kane, Octavia, Niylah, they are all trapped!

Madi wraps her arms around me and i stop digging. I have Madi, she needs me. Bellamy, Raven and the rest will be back today. Raven will come up with a plan to dig them out.

I take a deep breath and pull myself and Madi up. "Come on Madi, we have a five hour drive ahead of us, and then i see my friends, and you get to meet your heros."


When we arrive back at Becca's bunker, our bunker, we unpack all the guns and supplies. I grab the radio from the shelf on my way out of the storage room.

I sit down on the rock overlooking the lake, Madi sits down next to me. She leans her head against my shoulder.

"Are you gonna tell Bellamy how you feel when he comes down?" She asks. I turn to look at her, "Honestly Mad i'm not sure. It's been 5 years, everything has changed so much..."

She's silent and i am too, staring into the sunset thinking about how our lives could have been. Restlessness fills my body, shouldn't they be here already?

I can't wait any longer, i need to do something instead of just sit here.

I stand up, "I'll be back Madi, I'm going for a run." She nods, and i take off.

Soon i arrive at Arkadia, or more accurately, what's left of Arkadia. It's eerily quiet as i walk down the familiar dark halls to my old bedroom.

The picture i drew of Bellamy is still there, still hanging on the wall. I brush my fingers against it, wishing, needing him back.

A tear rolls down my cheek. "Please come back to me Bellamy."


When i reach the bunker again it's almost dark, and Madi is curled up on the rock fast asleep.

I drape a blanket over her and sit down beside her. And we wait, and wait, and wait. Hours pass. Days pass. Weeks pass. Months pass.

No Bellamy, no Raven, no Monty, no Murphy, no Harper, no Emori, no Echo. No one.  Just silence.

A/N Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I was kinda stuck on a part of the plot, but i think i worked through it, but bear with me if some things don't quite make sense. I'm also recovering from surgery, so I haven't been on as much. But I'm hoping i will be able to post more consistently asap! 🖤

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