Chapter Twenty-One : Crashing Down

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Clarke's POV

My legs feel like jello, i can barely hold myself up. My brain refuses to accept the words that Octavia is saying. It's not possible. It's not possible.

I never even got to say goodbye! My legs collapse under me and strong arms wrap around me, catching me before i hit the ground. Bellamy. This isn't happening.


When i come to, the realization slams into me with such force and leaves me gasping for air. "I want to see my Mom." I demand, sitting up quickly. Too quickly. My head pounds and i wince. Bellamy is sitting in a chair next to my makeshift bed and he looks up at me with hesitation. "Clarke..."

I stand up, pushing the covers off of me. I have to see her one last time. Bellamy wraps his arm around me and walks beside me. I lean into him, I couldn't hold myself up if i tried. He squeezes me close to him looking down at me, concerned.

"Stop looking at me like that." I tell him. He frowns, "Like what?" I sigh, "Like I'm going to fall apart at any second."

"Clarke." He says, i step away. "I just want to be alone, okay?" He sighs, then nods, "Okay but come here for a second first." He holds out his arms and i stumble into them, tears start to form in my eyes and my throats hurts like it always does before i cry. Then I'm sobbing and Bellamy holds me tight and strokes my hair, holding me while i sob.


"Would anyone like to say a few words about Abigal Griffen?" Some man I don't recognize says into the microphone. I stand, everyone around me is dressed in whatever black they could find. Me, I only had black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket.

I make my way towards the front, trying to ignore all the pitying glances from the small crowd. The guy in the front passes his microphone to me, as i clear my throat.

"When i was about 8, i was playing tag and i fell and split my knee open. It didn't feel real, there was so much blood. And my mom was there, holding my hand, stroking my hair, distracting me by telling stories from her childhood while she stitched up my knee. I didn't even cry, I wasn't that scared, because i knew that she was there. When i was 12 i had a crush on a boy who didn't like me back, she held me as i sobbed my eyes out. At the time it felt like the end of the world, but once she put her arms around me and held me in her lap, i knew that i would be okay, as long as i had her. When i was 16 I brought my first girlfriend home, she didn't even bat an eyelash. When i was 18 i was sent to the ground to see if the Earth was survivable. On the ground i found out from my friend Wells, who i blamed for my Dad's death wasn't in fact responsible and it was my Mom who told the chancellor. It crushed me at first, and i was so angry. Then I realized that she actually made the biggest sacrifice of all, she sacrificed her happiness to save our lives. She saved us all. She saved me."

I set down the microphone gently and walk back to my seat. Another figure makes his way towards the front, picking up the microphone. Thelonious Jaha. He fiddles with it for a second, gaining his composure.

"I don't really have the words to describe what Marcus and Abby meant to me. Instead i will bid them farewell. In peace may you leave this shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again."

Everyone says the words along with him, the wind picks up and a single leaf floats down from the sky, landing on top of Kane and Abby's double casket. A tear drops from the corner of Clarke's eye. In the distance a bird sings a story of tragedy and sorrow.


"Breakfast!" Octavia struts into my room, with Raven behind her, carrying a tray. I push my hair out of my eyes haphazardly, throwing the tangled up sheets and blankets off of my legs.

"Umph." I groan, but then a familiar scent floods my nostrils. "Is that... BACON." I'm awake now. Octavia sets the tray down on my bed, perching beside it. Raven on the other side pipes up, "Duh." I grab a piece of bacon off the plate, and take a bite. "This is amazing." I say, to Octavia and Raven, "But I don't want your pity."

Raven takes my hand, "I know Clarke, we don't pity you, we sympathize with you. Your our best friend, and we'll always try and cheer you up when life is bleak. We were all separated for six years and that was long enough. We aren't pitying you, we're your friends, so let us in, talk to us." She says, and Octavia nods, "What she said."

I smile weakly, "Okay." I talk. And talk. They listen and Octavia holds my hands and Raven wipes my tears away.

A/N this is a smaller part than normal sorry! I've been so busy with school starting up again, and my updates will be slower and shorter than normal until winter break. Hope y'all understand! Comment "❤️" if you liked this chapter!

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