Chapter Sixteen : Everyday

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Clarke's POV

I was on my way to find a quiet place to collect myself when i run smack into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I say, reaching out to steady the person i ran into, then my eyes land on their jacket. Bellamy.

I look up to see him looking back down at me, "Watch we're your going, Griffen." He says roughly, but i see the corner of his mouth twitch. I smack his arm, "Shut up, Blake."

We start to walk down the hall together, not sure were we are going, but our steps are in sync somehow. I glance up at him sideways, only to find him staring at me, and flustered he turns quickly and shifts his gaze to the floor.

"How'd you do it? How did you survive alone for six years?" He asks suddenly, awe in his voice. I shrug, and glance at him, "I wasn't alone." His gaze meets mine. "I had Madi." I had you, i want to tell him, but I'm far too shy. What if what i feel for him is only one-sided? I don't want to ruin our friendship if he doesn't reciprocate my feelings.

"How did you find Madi?" He asks, shaking me out of my thoughts. I laugh, "It's kinda a crazy story." I say, and he smiles, "I've got nothing but time."

I take a deep breath, "You know the valley i told you about? The one Praimfaya somehow missed? It was were the shadow valley clan used to live. Madi's clan. I thought i was all alone. I found her one day, she thought i was a flamekeeper who had come to take her away, and she led me into a trap..." i say, with a half smile, now able to remember this memory fondly.

Bellamy laughs and says, "I can imagine, Madi seems like a badass." I smile thinking of my little girl.

"Within time i won her trust and now she's pretty much my adopted kid." I say, as we reach the end of the hall.

I turn around at the sound of footsteps behind us. Octavia walks over to us with Murphy and Raven trailing behind her.

Murphy's eyes widen at the sight of Bellamy. "I'm so glad to see you! I'm so sorry-" he starts but Bellamy interrupts him with a hug.

"No worries, you were mind controlled. I'm just glad to see you!" Bellamy says to him.

"So," Octavia says, interrupting their reunion. "Any of you have any hallucinations?" She asks hesitantly. All of us but Murphy nod.

"I'm glad I'm not going crazy!" I declare. Raven shoots a glance at Murphy, "Wait you didn't?" She asks him and he shakes his head, "I honestly have no clue what the hell all of you are talking about." He says flippantly and suddenly what has happened hits me, but before i can open my mouth to speak, my glass falls out of my hand and hits the floor, shattering instantly.

Bellamy reaches out to catch me, but his body crumples to the floor too. "Well crap." Octavia says, lowering herself to the floor woozily before she has to go down the hard way. The last thing i see is Murphy grabbing Raven as she slumps to the ground. Then the world goes black.


When my eyes open, I'm on the cold concrete floor, who knows where. I'm honestly getting really sick of being kidnapped. I feel something brush against my hand and startled, i jerk my hand away.

I look over, "Bellamy?" His eyes aren't open and he's not moving, but thankfully he is breathing. I sit up quickly and immediately i feel lightheaded and my vision goes black. I groan, as i lay back down.

"Yeah, i did the same thing. Get up slow, Clarke." Raven says, still in a somewhat good mood, how i have no clue.

Bellamy, waking up, groans and tries to sit up then immediately falls back to the floor like i did, groaning more. "Dang, what drugs did they give us?!" He asks. I reach over and touch his shoulder.

"Wait a bit and then sit up slowly," i tell him, an odd protectiveness coming over me.

Octavia wakes up following suit. I have to say, although being kidnapped really sucks, I'm glad to at least have my friends with me, I am glad I'm not alone. Still I'm worried about Madi, did they take her?

Just then the tall brunette that drugged and kidnapped me before, the one that came down in the dropship, walks over, with two guys flanking her on either side. One with a buzz cut, and the other with a mohawk on the left half of his head. They look familiar as well.

"What do you want with us?" Octavia demands slurring her words, still groggy from the drugs. Bellamy straightens up, "If you hurt any of them..." he threatens. The woman holds up her hand.

"We don't want to hurt you, we just want to do whatever it takes to survive." She says, and i can tell that she means it. I understand, after isn't that the same thing we told ourselves everytime we had to make morally questionable choices to ensure our survival. Every life we took, was justified in our eyes in the pursuit of survival. What makes them any different?

The mohawk guy grins, "Are you sure we can't hurt them just a little, Diozya?" He asks and she sighs, rolling her eyes, "No Mccreary, we're trying to be peaceful." He sighs, "Damn, i was looking forward to beating someone up."

The other guy is oddly quiet, he just stands there and studies us. Raven looks at him and asks, "What's your name?" I know Raven, and i can tell she senses something in him, the good in him. She always sees the good in everyone, and she can tell that of them all he has the most good inside.

"My name is Zeke." He tells her. Raven looks to Diozya and Mccreary, and asks, "What do you guys want?"

Diozya steps forward looking specifically at me, "We want to share Shadow Valley." Everyone turns to face me at the mention of my home for the last sic years. My eyes meet Bellamy's and he gives me a half smile in reassurance.

Octavia comes to a revelation, "Oh my god! It was you who made us have the hallucinations! You snuck the Jobi nuts in our food, and then something else that knocked us out. You planned this!"

I nod my head, it makes a lot of sense.

Diozya nods to Octavia, her eyes on Mccreary, "I told you she would figure it out first, she's smart, pay up." Mccreary grumbles and pulls five dollars out of his pocket and shoves it into her pocket, defeated.

The realization hits me harder than I thought it did at first. I knew that seeing Finn and Lexa and everyone else wasn't real, but a little part of me hoped that somehow, someway, it was. I had clung on to that little strand of hope. Hope is dangerous.

Bellamy speaks up, always the voice of reason, interrupting my thoughts.

"There isn't enough resources for us to all survive in Shadow Valley..." He says, his voice full of worry.

"That, i will leave for you to figure out." Diozya says, slamming the cell door shut and walking away, followed by Zeke and Mccreary.

We all stare at each other. I can't believe that we are in this position yet again. Shadow Valley is the only inhabitable place on the whole Earth. How will we ever figure out a way for all of us survive? Can we?

A/N sorry i love cliffhangers muwahahahahah

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