Chapter Four: You Captivate Me

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6 years after Praimfaya

Bellamy's POV

I wake up with my face in a pool of my own vomit. I groan and force myself to sit up, despite the pounding in my head.

I reach out for the bottle but Monty reaches it before i do. "No more alcohol for you today!", He says as he rolls the bottle across the room to Murphy, who sticks it in the cabinet.

Raven tosses a rag at me, "You get to clean up your own vomit today."

I groan and wrap the rag around my head to block out the light and noise that is making my head pound and stomach turn.

I wipe up my vomit and chuck the rag in the trash before i drag myself to my room and pass out on my bed.


When i come back around Murphy is sitting in my desk chair, staring at me. "Geez, don't be creepy." I mutter, and throw a pillow at him.

He catches it and tosses it back. "Get up, it's dinner time." He says, as he stands up to leave.

Then he stops and looks back at my through the door frame. "We'll find a way to get to the ground again. Raven will with that brilliant mind of hers."

I look up, trying to not to cry, "But Clarke, Clarke won't be-" the tears come pouring down my face. Murphy looks at me sadly, "i know Bellamy, i know, but Octavia will."

The mention of my sister's name eases the pain in my heart a little. Murphy smiles at me sadly, then leaves.

I get up to go eat dinner with everyone else, on my way at the door my eyes linger on the drawing of clarke, that she had given to me. I sigh, will it ever not hurt so much?


When we got back to the ark we had to get everything up and running. Water, oxygen, food. The food isn't great but at least we have it.

It's been six years. Before i went to the ground i never thought of the ark as small. But now that I've seen the ground, open and free, the ark feels as so tiny. Claustrophobic. Sometimes it feels like the walls are closing in and will crush me.

The thing is I honestly wouldn't care.

A loud shriek shakes me from my thoughts. Everyone is laughing, talking, everyone's plates are empty. Not mine, I'm not in the least bit hungry.

Emori takes all our plated to the wash bin but when she grabs mine she gives me a sad smile "Not hungry?"

"Nah" i say, avoiding her eyes. I know if i look in them i will cry, and I don't want to cry.

Some days are better. Some days im semi-functional. But today it's the six year anniversary since we went to space.

The pain of losing Clarke has curled in my chest, squeezing tighter and tighter. Sometimes i can barely breathe. Other days i feel like i can make it.

Today is not one of those days.

Suddenly a loud bang shakes the Ark and i lose my balance, Echo falls on top of Murphy, and the others try to regain their balance.

Raven and i look at each other immediately.
What happened? What caused the entire Ark to shake?

Raven dashes to the control room and we all hurry after her. She looks at the computer, moving and clicking things so fast that my brain can't comprehend anything.

"Damn" she mutters.

"What???" I ask urgently. My heart is racing and adrenaline coursing through me. I'm ready for a fight but my body is still heavily intoxicated from all the alcohol.

But who is here? We're the only ones in space, at least we thought we were.

"Murphy, Monty, grab our guns." I start forward to go with them, but Raven throws her arm out to block me. "Where do you think you're going?"

Anger rises up in me, i open my mouth to snap back at her, but i realize she's right. I throw up my hands in defeat.

"So i'm just gonna sit here and wait?" I ask.

"Yup." Murphy says.

"Ughhhhh" i sigh. I wanna fight, i have so much anger inside that it fills me to the brim and sometimes i feel like i might explode from it all. But I can't fight while I'm drunk.

I don't have to like it though.

Murphy and Monty come back with everyone else's gums and weapons. They all strap knives in different places and sling guns over their shoulders.

I tear up a little bit, "You better all come back safe." I say. They're my family now, I can't lose any one of them.

"Don't worry," Murphy grins, "You can't get rid of us that easily."

Raven puts her hand on my shoulder and Monty slaps my back.

"You can track us through here" she tells me, showing me how to use the computer as quickly as she can.

She kisses my cheek as they all head out the door. She stops at the door and turns around to look me in the eyes. "Don't worry. It's probably nothing." But her smile isn't convincing and i hear the tremble in her voice. Then she takes off and I'm left alone.

It hard to sit here while my friends go off to face who knows what. I start pacing around the room but it isn't enough. I need to DO something.

I hear a sound coming from my room. Which is weird, because no one is in this part of the ark besides me. Adrenaline starts pumping through me as I slowly creep down the hallway to my room.

I peer in the door and i see a blond girl staring back at me. I sigh, Clarke. The hallucinations happen everyday and i am pretty used to them by now.

She's sitting on my bed, looking out the window. "I miss you, you know." She looks up at me. My eyes fill with tears, and i sit down next to her.

"I miss you so much." I whisper, "but you're not real." I reach up to touch her face and my hand goes through it, her face is just air, and she disappears.

I get up and stare out the window, i take a big sip of my stashed bottle of vodka and get lost in my thoughts.

Suddenly a loud clang rings out and the whole ark shakes. I stumble to keep my balance and start running toward the docking station.

I don't care that I'm drunk, I won't let anything happen to my friends.

When i arrive, i see a ship has docked and people i have never seen are milling around, my body quickly pumps adrenaline through my veins, preparing me to fight.

But before they can they spot me, a brunette girl and a guy with black short hair spot me. I start running but i can't run in a straight line. The alcohol makes me weight 100x more.

They drag me kicking and screaming into their ship, and into a room filled with all my friends. My eyes go wide and the last thing i see is Raven's tears, then the world goes black.

A/N sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I've been really busy with school, but I'm going to try and update more often, since it's spring break coming up! I'm really excited for this story, i have lots of ideas and action and plot twists muwahahaha 😇

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