Chapter Seven: Lab Rats

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Bellamy's POV

When i woke up I am thoroughly confused. It is dark and i can barely make out my surroundings. There's a cement floor with a cement wall, and bars all around me. I'm in a prison, i realize.

Murphy is in the same cell as me, and i see Raven and Echo in the one next to me. "Murphy!" I call out, and he turns around to face me. "Finally you're awake."

I smack his shoulder, "Where the hell are we??"

Echo sighs, "That's what we have been trying to figure out for the last hour," she says as Raven paces the length of their cell, thinking.

"I'm guessing they took us on their ship, they docked at the Ark and knocked us all out and kidnapped us, and then they got you after us. I don't know what they want, I didn't think there were any other survivors in space..." she says.

"Where are Monty, Emori, and Harper?" I ask.

She looks at me, "We have no clue." I hit the bars with my hand in frustration.

"We need to get out of here!" I exclaim.

"Any other profound discoveries Captain Obvious?" Murphy quips, i swear his sarcasm only grows in scary situations. I roll my eyes.

Suddenly i hear footsteps and we all fall silent. A young guy with a buzzcut comes up to our cell door and slides in a basket through the little slot. It crashes to the ground and he walks away without a word.

Murphy and i scurry to the basket and open it. Inside is food, nothing amazing, but far better than we ever had on the Ark.

We take some and pass the box to Raven and Echo. We all eat in silence, it was nice to have a six year break from fighting for our lives all the time, i think. That's all over now.

I wonder what happens next, what they want with us, why they locked us up, and most importantly who are they?

These questions keeping running through my head, but eventually fall asleep.


I awake to a loud bang, our cell door opens and i sit up quickly, but not quickly enough. Two big men drag Murphy out of the cell, and he kicks and screams and tries to squirm away, but they are stronger.

"No!" I yell, "Please don't take him! Take me instead!"

Murphy looks at me with fear in his eyes, "Shut up Bellamy!"

I try to run to him but they are already closing the door, and the smaller of the guys shoves me back through the door and slams it closed.

"Please don't do this!" Raven begs. Her and Echo are sobbing.

"What do you want with us?" I glare at them. They look at each other than back at me. Then they just ignore the question and drag Murphy away.

I kick at the door and scream until Echo says, "It's not gonna help Bell, you're just going to hurt yourself."

I don't like it but she's right, i lean back against the bars and slide to the ground. It's no use, I can't do anything to save Murphy. I punch the bars as hard as i can with my fist, and it hurts like hell, and it doesn't make me feel any better.

I can't lose anyone else. After one year on the ground and six years in space together, Murphy is my best friend. I already lost Clarke, and I'm barely holding on as it is. I can't lose him too.

Raven looks at me, sensing my despair, "We'll get him back Bell, we'll find a way to escape, find Murphy, find the others, and find a way to get back to the ground, to Octavia, i promise. It's gonna be okay." She says, and squeezes my hand. Silent tears roll down my face.

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