Chapter Seventeen: On The Edge

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Bellamy's POV

We are released from our cell the next day by Diozya, under the premise that we come up with the terms for, and enforce, a surrender.

This might be harder than we thought. Octavia is trailing behind the rest of us, still annoyed that in order to live, we have to share the valley. She'd rather fight for it, even if it means dying for it. Wonkru never surrenders.

I can't help but feel that my little sister has changed unrecognizably in the last six years. She seems like a completely different person. When Lincoln died, something inside her broke, but now? Now something inside her seems shattered.

I slow my steps to let her catch up with me, she's staring at the ground with a blank face, focusing on putting one foot in front of another. I look over at her, "Are you okay O?" I ask, and she doesn't look up when she whispers, "Yeah I'm fine."

"Well I'm not convinced," i reply, and she just sighs. "What happened in that bunker Octavia?" I question, i can't help it, i need to protect my little sister from whatever it is that hurt her.

She kicks a rock off the edge of the hill we are trudging up, watching it tumble down until it disappears. "I don't want to talk about it." She says with annoyance.

I relent, and catch up to Clarke, leaving Octavia to sulk alone. You can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped.

"How's that going?" Clarke asks and turns to look at me, her arm brushing mine and i try to ignore the electricity that tingles through my arm. Now is not the time.

I sigh, "Something happened and she won't talk about it, and doesn't want to surrender." Clarke glances back at Octavia. "Give her time Bell, let her adjust to the idea first, she just needs some time okay? It'll be fine, we'll find a way for us all to survive." She reassures me.

"Like we did during Praimfaya?" I can't help but let the words slip out of my mouth, i can't forget all the people we left outside to die, i will never be able to forget it, it haunts me everyday.

Clarke recoils and i put my hand on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks, "I'm sorry Clarke, I didn't mean that." I say. Why are you such an idiot? I think to myself.

"It's fine," she says, stepping forward, my arm falling from her shoulders, she moves to the front of our group, away from me.

Murphy turns around to face me, walking backward, and whispers, "Your totally screwed, you know that right?" I smack his shoulder, "Shut up." I reply.


We arrive back home, well our current home. Abby runs up to Clarke, hugging her tight. Just then I recognize a familiar face, in fact three familiar faces. Monty, Harper, and Emori.

Murphy sprints towards them, spinning Emori around in a hug, they both stumble and fall over, laughing on the floor.

I make my way over to them, wrapping my arms around Monty. "Oh my god i was so worried about you guys!" Raven says next to me, hugging Harper. "Where were you guys? What happened?"

Emori sighs, "Diozya happened, it's a long story." I reach out to hug her and say, "Well I've got all the time in the world." She smiles.

Monty sees Clarke and runs over, and we all exchange hugs and tears. Harper explains that they were taken by Diozya too, but when she let them go the next day, they got lost trying to find anyone. It doesn't make much sense, why would Diozya release them early when she kept us and questioned us for days and only released us when we negotiated a truce? It was confusing but i was just so happy to have the rest of my family home!

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