Surrounded by royals

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Mal walks up to Dizzy with a confused look on her face.
"Hey Diz, do you know where Chelsea is?" She asks looking around.
"Oh up in the tree." Dizzy points to me holding Lilac and staring at a flower. Mal walks up to me with a concerned look on her face.
"Hey Mal, has Ben finally let you be alone yet?" I ask jumping down from the tree with Lilac in my arms.
"Yeah anyway Adam and Belle want to say hi to you. They just want to meet the new student of the school." She says looking at Lilac.
"Has Dizzy talked to them?" I ask getting butterflies in my stomach.
"Yeah she has." She smiles as she leads me down the red carpet to Belle and Adam. My heart begins to race. I never really expected that I would come face to face with the person that destroys worlds and kidnaps people.
"Mum, Dad this is Chelsea, the daughter of the Chesire Cat." Ben says with a smile. Adam stretches his hand out to shake but I move back a step.
"So what are your interests?" Belle says with a warm smile.
"Well I like computers, math, science, English, dance and photography." I say as I stroke Lilac.
"What about geography?" Belle asks.
"Well I think that it is boring and it never really interested me." I say staring at Adam.
"Are you ok?" Adam says staring back at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I mutter. "I just never thought I would never get to meet you." I say. My heart explodes. Why did I say that. Now they think that I am afraid of them. Well.... I kind of am afraid of Adam but there's a good reason for it.
"Oh yes the Wonderland War." He says looking down. "I am truly sorry."
"Why did you do it?" I ask tears begging to form in my eyes.
"I just wanted order and peace." He says. His voice begins to raise.
"You wanted to bring peace by leading an invasion?" I yell. Belle squeezes Adam's arm and looks into his eyes softly.
"Perhaps it is time we have some food." He says. His voice is lower but his eyes still strike fear into my heart. In that moment I run back to my tree and curl up into a ball. Lilac meows and nudges into face trying to stop me from crying. She licks my salty tears before they have a chance to fall onto the ground.
"It's ok Lilac, I am fine." I smile. I realise that my past may not be able to change but I can make the best of this moment. Lilac and I climb down and we are greeted by Dizzy and Snow.
"Are you ok?" She hugs me tight.
"Yeah, So can you teach me how to play mini golf?" I ask. She laughs and leads me to the area. We play a few games and she teaches me some tips. In the end Jay, Evie, Lonnie and Mal join in too.
"Hey can I play." Carlos asks.
"Sure." Suddenly Dude runs up to Lilac and I nearly yell for him to stop. Dude licks Lilac and play about for a while.
"Wow cats and dogs playing. I never though I would see that." I giggle.
"Finally I found you. Where have you been? My mother wants you to throw out the rock candy." Jane says pulling Carlos away. Carlos breaks free and looks at Jane.
"I don't wanna do that." He says looking at her dead in the eye.
"And why is that?" She argues.
"Because the rick candy is delicious and was made by Chelsea." I smile. This is going to be good. Dizzy, Jay, Mal, Lonnie and Evie all smirk.
"Why do you care who made it? And why do you want to spend all the time with her?" She point at me. Jane's friends come rushing over. Some have phones recording us.
"Because she is smart, talented and she makes me happy. You shouldn't care about who I hang out with." I step back and go behind Dizzy.
"Well why don't you date her instead!" She screams. She storms off and her friends push the phones in our faces and storm off with her.
"Well that was interesting." Jay says to break the awkward silence.
"Did she just break up with you." I ask.
"Yeah, but I don't care. I have been wanting to do it for ages." He smiles and continues to play the game. We play for a bit more before I see something in the corner of my eye. Jane I picking up Lilac and taking her into the woods. I run as fast as I can and the gang follows.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I ask trying to take Lilac back.
"Putting this cat back where it belongs." She spits.
"Well it's my cat so give it back." I try to grab Lilac but Jane pushes me away.
"Oh so everything is yours now." Jane's friends come rushing over with their stupid phones. "First my boyfriend and now this stray cat."
"Can you just give Lilac back?" I say but Jane pushes me harder away. Jane puts Lilac on the ground and nearly jumps on top of me. Mal, Dizzy, Carlos, Jay and Lonnie show up. Jane throws a punch and I duck and grab her arm. I twits it and put it behind her back. I push her away.
"OMG YOU HURT ME!!!!" She screams while crying on the ground. I turn to my friends and they signal me that it's time to go. I pick up Lilac and realise that I am surrounded by yelling royals telling me to die and other terrible things. My chest becomes tighter and it becomes harder to breath. I turn around and run into the woods.

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