Phase 3 - Night Time

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It is 3am on a Monday night. Not a single sound comes from any of the dorms. I roll over to Dizzy. Now is the time Phase 3 takes action.
"Ok I think they are asleep. Let's go steal their stuff." I whisper. I told Dizzy and the others to get ready but Dizzy isn't the best at being woken up by someone else.
"You go without me. I can't do it. We came to Auradon to not be evil and you are gonna get us kicked out." She moans and rolls over.
"Fine then. And it is not being evil. It is just teaching a lesson. Jane continues to gossip about all of the VKs and we need to teach her that there needs to be consequence for your actions." I get up and Dizzy still doesn't move. I already am dressed in black leggings, black long sleeve t-shirt, black canvas shoes and a beanie. I put my hair in a high ponytail. And I walk out the door with a black backpack. I knock on Jay and Carlos' door and they immediately answer. They wear the same black clothing and both carry a black backpack. "Hey you guys ready?" I ask getting a little bit excited.
"Yeah but what about the cameras?" Carlos asked.
"Really, I told you that I got that covered. I caused the cameras to black out ten minutes ago and they will start back up at six am. Plus the security guard is as useless as the one at the museum. By the way I need your help to rob the museum next week." I say and walk off to Mal and Evie's room.
"Wait what?" They say and continue to follow me. I knock on the door and Mal is there already dressed with her black backpack. "Where's Evie?" I say looking around.
"The same as Dizzy I guess." She says and walks out the door. We walk to the first part of the dorms that we choose to rob.
"Carlos you take 223, Jay you take 224, Mal you take 225 and I'll take 226." I whispering looking around making sure that everyone got it.
"Yes sir, ready sir." They joke. I can't help but crack an smile and I realise how weird we all are. It is the first time I have really smiled in a long time. We break and walk to the rooms. I take out a little metal key and put it into the keyhole. The door goes click. I quietly open the door and creep into the room. Jane peacefully sleeps in her silk sheet bed. Her pink eye mask blocks out all light. I creep to her closet and open it silently. A closet full of baby blues and pink ribbons. Ugh. Dose she wear any other colour than that? I walk around trying to find something to take that would be noticeable. Ooh there it is. I tiptoe to the side of her bed. On the bedside table it a big ring with a massive blue gem in it. I've seen her wear it a lot and it looks pretty valuable. I pick it up and walk to Audrey's bed. Jane and Audrey are roommates. I pick up her pink stilettos that she wore yesterday. There all done. I creep outside into the hallway and wait for my friends.
"Hey." I smile. Carlos walks up to me and holds up a phone and a pair of earrings.
"Hey Kitty, what did you get?" He smiles.
"Oh just a ring and a pair of shoes." I say. "Where is everyone else?"
"Oh there be here in 3,2,1." He looks at his watch and immediately Jay and Mal walks out of the rooms.
"Finally you are hear let's get to the lockers." I smirk running down the hallway.


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