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I walk through the corridors as people snicker and secretly point. Lonnie, Jay and Carlos surround me blocking the people's view. Mal, Evie and Dizzy leave to their classes. We get to the change rooms and Carlos and Jay break away from us. I start to get changed into my sport uniform. I zip up my jacket. "Hey you ready?" Lonnie turns to me.
"Yeah just gotta do up my hair." I flick my head forward and pull it into a high ponytail. "There all done." I grab my bag and we head to the ROAR ring. The guys were all standing around talking.
"Alright boys you should be stretching. You have five minutes to stretch and after we will train." Lonnie announces. I stay up the back to avoid eye contact with anyone. I start to stretch. I go into the splits and then do a few leg holds and needles. I shake and loosen up. "Ok now that you are all stretched we are gonna focus on flips and tumbles." Lonnie announces. I smile.
"Well I guess 13 years of gymnastics and cheerleading would is gonna pay off." Carlos whispers to me.
"I bet I can out flip anyone here." I smirk at Carlos.
"What do I get?" Carlos smirks back.
"Ummmmmm winner chooses the movie for movie nigh tonight." Carlos shakes my hand and its a deal.
"Good luck watching Sharknado." Carlos laughs as we all line up and listen to Lonnie. I get a few looks from the other guys but i brush them off.
"Ok does anyone have any experience with gymnastics or cheerleading?" Lonnie looks directly at Jay, Carlos and I. We raise our hands.
"Carlos and I just do parkour but Chelsea is the real master." Jay turns to me signalling me to demonstrate something.
"Umm ok if you want I could demonstrate something." My heart beats and I start to think of what I should do.
"Of course." Lonnie moves aside as I step forward. 0:57 of the video.
"Wow that was amazing." Lonnie claps. Chad looks smut and walks up to me slow clapping.
"Well done Chelsea. Well done." He smiles an evil grin. "How about we have a little challenge?" Chad looks at the group and they all nod. What has he been up to? "If you can out tumble all of us we will try cheerleading or whatever girly sport you do. But if any of us win you have to wear an outfit picked out by Jane." He tries to intimidate me.
"Oh so are you saying that the 13 years of training , blisters and sprained ankles can be magically achieved in 70 minutes." I step closer to him. He is a head taller that me so I have to look up at him.
"How hard can it be?" He pushes me and a few boys laugh.
"Enough." Lonnie yells. A few people in the stands come closer.
"If you wanna challenge you gotta challenge." I stare at him.
"Ok this is it. I will say a move or series of moves. If you fail you are out. The last person standing wins." Lonnie announces worryingly looking at me. We all line up. The first moves are easy. Carlos and Jay purposely get out. A few more round past and it is me, Chad and a boy that looks familiar. I think his name is Alistair but I don't know his last name. "Ok Alistair your turn." Lonnie yells. Alistair runs and tries to flip but falls and rolls. It was obvious that he did it on purpose but why? "Sorry Alistair but your out." He smile at me and walks closer. He grabs my arm and pulls me close.
"Don't worry I have got your back. I won't let my family suffer." I look concerned. What does he mean. I don't even know who he is.
"Chad your turn." Lonnie announces. Chad runs and does a flip. He does the sequence but decides to add more stuff. He falls on the landing. My heart jumps out of my chest. "Chelsea if you get this you win." Lonnie pats Chad on the back but the brushes it off. I start to run and do the flips. I do exactly what Chad does and I stick the landing. Jay and Carlos cheer but I hear a few boos from some people in the stands. "Congrats Chelsea you have won."
"I will see you all at 7:00 am at the sports hall. And bring any dance stuff." I smile. Chad pouts like a little child. The bell rings and I skip away holing Carlos' hand and Jay and Lonnie follow.

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