Help me

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"WHAT THE FUCK!!" A male voice screams. I wake up with a jolt. There is now a crowd of pirates and there is Harry Hook smiling at me.
"Hello there Harry." I smile.
"UMA YOU MAY WANT TO SEE THIS." Harry yells. I get up and keep my bags with me. Lilac follows me down. She may be small but she can climb.
"What is it now Harry?" Uma growls.
"I'm back." I sing. The crew cheers.
"Nice to see ya Chelsea." Uma smirks.
"Thanks. I hated Auradon. They treated me like shit and well I aint letting someone treat me like that." I smirk back.
"Well we were gonna go take some stuff. Wanna join?" Harry pats my shoulder.
"Sure. I need some new shiny things anyway." I laugh. We all run around town taking things. I walk up to Jafar's shop. I crawl under a desk. "You've been hit by." I whisper. Unlocking a case of of money. "You've been stuck by." I whisper louder as in take the case and crawl out of the shop. "A smooth criminal." I yell purposely waking us Jafar. He yells and I laugh. I keep running then I smack into someone. I look up and see Mrs Tremane. She looks angrier than ever.
"There you are you little brat. You were suppose to get me out of here. Now that you have failed you deserve to burn in hell." She screaches.
"Guys help!" I yell. No one can hear or don't wanna fell the wrath of Mrs Tremane. She drags me to her house. She opens the basement door and throws me in. The room smells weird, like gasoline. "What are you doing?" I scream.
"You deserve to burn in hell. The Isle is hell so you shall be burned." She walks to the top of the stairs.
"But your entire house will burn." I scream louder.
"Stupid child. This place is fire proof. But don't scream because no one would care." She lights the match and throws it in the basement. I let out one final scream until all I can see is white. My feet lift off the ground and I fly towards the light. Leaving my terrible home behind me.

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