Lilac and Snow

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I look around. Every where I look there are princess and and princes wearing pastel dresses and suits. There are tables covered in little sandwiches, cakes and even a chocolate fountain.
"You ok?" Carlos asks. I break out of my trance and stare into his beautiful brown eyes.
"Yep I am fine." I answer looking at my hands. Ever since I got to Auradon I wore sweatbands on my wrist to hide my scars and my tattoo. Suddenly Jane comes up to Carlos and wraps her arms around him.
"Hey come and meet everyone." She says smiling.
"Yeah ok, Chelsea do you want to come?" He says holding his hand out for me. Jane gives me a death stare and I back away.
"No I'm fine. I will just look around." I say giving a small smile. I walk around looking for my friend that have gone in seperate ways. Jay was taking to Lonnie's mother and father. I wonder if Jay and Lonnie are actually a thing or it was just for the dance. Either way they are really cute together. Mal is talking to Ben's parents. Ben has her arm around her and she is smiling. I have never seen her smile like that on the Isle. She has changed and I like it. Evie is talking to a whole bunch of girls. They probably want her to make them dresses like they already don't have enough. Dizzy was behind Evie taking notes for Evie. She is like her little assistant.

I go over to the food table and try not to drool. Their are cakes, sandwiches, donuts and even the rock candy that I made. After the experiment with the crystals Mr Basic thought it would be the perfect treat for Parents Day so he made me make more. I grab one of the rock candies and walk around some more. Looking at all of the parents and the children makes me lonely a little bit. "Boo!" Dizzy jumps from behind and yells. I jump and turn into a cat. My rock candid falls on the floor.
"Come on no fair." I say turning back into human form. I pick up my candy and continues to eat it.
"Ew that went of the floor." Dizzy says slightly cringing.
"Dizzy if you threw out every food item that went on the floor you would be dead right now." I answer giving her a smile.
"Ok, ok." She smiles back. Suddenly I see a kitten and a ferret playing together near the mini golf place.
"Hey follow me." I say grabbing Dizzy's hand and pulling her to the place. I finish my rock candy and give it to one of the servers. When we get to the mini golf Dizzy squeals and fusses over to the ferret.
"OMG you are the cutest thing ever." She squeals as the ferret nuzzles into her hand.
"I think it is a wild one." I say and I stroke the little grey kitten.
"Can we keep them?" She asks holding the ferret in her arms.
"No collar mean no owner right?" I say as I transform into a cat and start running around with the little kitten. We play with the animals for a little longer.
"I think I will call you Lilac." I say to the kitten. Lilac meows a tiny meow which makes me feel that it is a yes.
"I will call you Snow." Dizzy names the ferret. We continue to run around not caring what other people think of us.

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