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"Good morning, baby." Tyler whispered into Justin's ear and Justin hummed back in response. "Do you know what day is today?" Justin sleepily shook his head and slightly opened his eyes to look at Tyler.

Tyler chuckled and pecked Justin's lips. "It's your birthday." Tyler said and kissed Justin's cheek and down his neck. Justin groaned and sleepily pushed Tyler away.

"Tyler, stop." He said and Tyler stopped giving him small kisses and pouted. He laid back down on his side and faced Justin.

"You're so old now." Tyler said and poked Justin's cheek. Justin groaned and turned so his back was facing Tyler. "You're no longer a teen. How does that feel?" Tyler moved closer to Justin and wrapped his arm around Justin's waist.

"I don't know, its just a number at this point." Tyler hummed in response and leaned against Justin's shoulder.

"Well, it's your birthday. What do you want to do today?" Justin turned around to face Tyler. He softly caressed Tyler's hip and Tyler watched him carefully to see what he would do next.

"Well, it's still early and we don't have anything important to do at the moment. So I suppose we could..." Justin trailed off and smirked.

Tyler giggled as Justin quickly pinned him down to the bed. "Since it's my birthday, I get to do what I want and you have no say." Tyler blushed realizing where this headed.

"Please don't tell me you plan on blindfolding and tying me up." Justin grinned and Tyler groaned. "No, anything but that."

"What did I just say? It's my birthday and you have no say. So I get to do what I want." Justin said and reached for the necessary things from the bedside table. 


"Tyler, get up and shower. We have people coming over." Justin said as he walked out of the bathroom and into the closet. Tyler groaned and rolled onto his stomach.

"But I'm so comfortable. They can wait." Justin rolled his eyes at his boyfriend and got dressed. He didn't bother with telling Tyler once again.

Once he fully dressed and comfortable in what he was wearing, he walked out of the closet to find that Tyler had gotten up after all. He quickly made the bed and soon enough he heard the shower going.

He chuckled and walked into the bathroom to do his hair. He tried not getting distracted by his boyfriend showering, but watching the water run down his body was captivating.

He shook his head and got his hair products out. He did his hair pretty quick, but with the noise of his hair drier and shower, they didn't hear when Tyler's best friend had walked into their apartment.

And it wasn't until Justin walked out of the bathroom and into their room, that he saw her laying on the bed. Purposely avoiding the middle of the bed.

"When did you get here?" Justin said and she sat up.

"Like ten minutes ago, but I heard that you guys were busy in the bathroom so I just laid on your bed. But I know you guys so I laid on the end of it." She said and wrinkled her nose in disgust as she looked at the bed.

Justin laughed and sat on the bed. "There's nothing to be worried about. We do clean after ourselves." he said and she covered her ears.

"No please, don't tell me anything that involves Tyler and you going at it." She said and Justin couldn't help laugh at her discomfort. "Anyways, how long does it take to shower? He's been in there since I got here." And if it had been a cue, Tyler opened the bathroom door.

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now