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Waking up alone had been something Tyler had gotten used too. So to wake up with Justin gone, there was no surprise in that.

He sighed and picked up his phone as he sat up. He leaned back against the head board and scrolled through his social medias.

Skipping through anything that had any suspicion on his behavior. He didn't want anyone to worry just like he hid his worry about Justin being gone.

He knew he'd return, but with things being to tense, he wasn't so sure anymore. He knew he'd messed up, but he was sure that nothing he said, could fix anything.

He noticed how a few people were starting to notice his lack of presence on his accounts and that was, quite frankly, what he wanted to avoid.

So putting on a smile and flipping his camera to face him, he took a picture before uploading it to his story.

He sighed once more before setting his phone down and getting out of bed. He hated being alone without knowing where Justin had gone.

He had debated on whether to text and check where he was, but he knew that it wouldn't be the best idea.

If Justin wanted him to know where he went, he would have let him know. And that's what hurt him the most.

He felt as if Justin didn't trust him enough to let him know where he was going or what he was doing throughout his day.

And as the day went by, Tyler started feeling anxious to know where Justin was. Writing and deleting text after text.

Tyler tried his best to busy himself with planning new video ideas and listing the necessary items.

But no matter what he did, everything just came back to thinking about Justin. His heart ached from all this waiting.

He closed his laptop, leaving it on the kitchen table before going back to their room. He picked up his phone from where he'd left it before working on his video ideas.

He checked for anything from Justin and found nothing. Only seeing the multiple notifications from his social medias. He bit his lip as he noticed what time it was and started to worry about where Justin could be.

He told himself that he shouldn't worry, but all attempts were failing. He paced in their room and kept looking down at his phone.

He sat on the bed in attempts to calm himself down, but it didn't really work until he heard the front door being opened.

He slowly made his way towards the living room and sigh in relief when saw that Justin was back. "Hey." Tyler said and Justin looked at him briefly before looking back down at his phone.

Tyler bit his lip and didn't know if he should walk closer to Justin. "So, where you've been?" Tyler asked carefully.

Justin sighed annoyingly and put his phone away. "I was simply out with friends. Why do you always have to know everything that I do? I never ask you where you go or hang out with so why does it matter." Justin said brushed past Tyler to their room.

"Justin, I don't ask you because I want to be nosy, but because I would like to wake up with my boyfriend next to me for a change and not have to worry about where you are or when you're coming back." Tyler said as he followed after Justin.

"Well, I'm back now. You can sleep happily now. Now just drop this whole situation. I'm tired and I want to sleep." Justin said while grabbing his towel walking towards the bathroom.

He was tired and wanted to sleep, but after being out for so long, he knew a shower would help him sleep better.

Tyler silently watched him go into the bathroom before getting ready for bed. Except, he wasn't going to sleep here.

He grabbed his phone charger and phone before walking out of the room and into the guest room.

Tyler didn't know when or how his relationship had gotten so complicated, but he didn't know what to do. He felt lost and without Justin talking to him, it was even worse.

He sighed as he sat on the bed and dialed Sky's number. He needed to talk to someone. Going all day without talking to someone, was driving him crazy.

He had hoped that Justin maybe would talk to him and things would be okay, but that clearly wasn't what was going to happen.

"Hey Ty" Sky said and Tyler sighed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just needed to talk to someone. I was alone all day and I just need to, I don't know, vent? I'm not sure." Tyler said and played with the hem of his shirt.

"Ah, I see. So did you finally choose what video ideas you want to use?" Hearing this, made him forget what he had been feeling all day.

"Yeah, actually, I picked them out and will be ready to film once I get the supplies needed." Tyler said excitedly.

Sky chuckled and they continued their conversation on whatever came to their mind.

When Justin had finished showering, he wasn't expecting Tyler to not be in the room. He walked out of the room and when he heard that Tyler was in the guest room talking to Sky, he sighed.

He hadn't meant to be so cold towards Tyler. He walked back into the room and as he looked around, he eyes set on their closet.

Without any hesitation, he picked through some of his clothes and did as he had previously done.

He took the clothes that he knew Tyler had only seen him wear a couple times and never wore again.

He arranged his side to make it look like he hadn't touch anything and took the rest out onto the bed.

He knew his bag was still in his car so he quietly walked over to the guest room and listened for any noise.

When he didn't, he slightly opened the door and noticed that Tyler was asleep already. He closed the door and proceeded to go get his bag.

And on his way to his car, his phone rang. He sighed and reluctantly took it out.

"Hello?" He said without looking at who was calling.

"Hey, Justin, the lady called to confirm that the apartment is ours and that we can move in as soon as we can. Do you want me to take your stuff there already? I'm going tomorrow morning to get the keys." Justin stopped in front of his car and looked at who called him.

"Uh, yeah, if you can. I'll go over tomorrow to help. I'm taking more of my things out." Justin said and unlocked his car.

"Alright then."

"Thanks, Jack."

"No problem. And Justin, talk to him. I don't really know him, but I don't want him to hurt because you've kept him in the dark." Justin stayed quiet and thought about it.

"Yeah, I will."

"But actually talk to him. Don't say you are and then don't." Jack said and hung up. Justin put his phone away and took his bag out before locking his car and walking back to the apartment.


oh hi. 

chapter 14 will be posted on monday cause I'm busy all day tomorrow.  

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now