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"Justin, could you please help me carry this last box?" Justin looked up upon hearing Jack call him.

"Why do you have so much shit? I bet half of these things you don't need." Justin said and chuckled as he helped a struggling Jack.

"I could say the same for you and the amount of clothes that you have." Jack said and Justin rolled his eyes.

"I only have this amount of clothes because Tyler likes getting me 'stylish' clothes even though he knows that it's not my type of style, it's his." Justin.

"Makes sense. And talking about Tyler, have you talked to him about you getting another place?" Jack said and Justin simply looked away from Jack.

"For fuck sakes Justin! You haven't told him?!" Jack said and set the box he was carrying on the ground. "You are aware that this is hurting him, right? If you think that getting a place and him knowing about it is bad, now imagine him not knowing and assuming the worst."

"I know!" Justin said annoyingly. He knew what he was doing. He was very well aware of it.

"You need to talk to him before it's too late if it isn't already. I can only imagine how he must feel knowing that his boyfriend keeps ditching him and not telling him why." Jack said and frustratedly pulled at his hair.

"I'm your best friend, Justin, and as your best friend, I'm telling you that you're making a mistake in not telling him."

"I fucking know! But everything has been different. All this has been stressing me and he hasn't been of much help. And when I have a chance of telling him, all he wants is just to be pressed against me." Justin said and Jack's eyes widened.

"You've fallen out of love with him, haven't you?" Jack said and Justin was taken aback.

"What? Why would you say that? What–"

"When was the last time you called him by his favorite pet name? Or said 'I love you' and truly meant it?"

Justin felt trapped. He didn't know what to respond to that. "I thought so. You love him, but you're not in love with him, Justin." Jack added and Justin clenched his jaw.

And just as he was going to reply back, he felt his phone vibrate once again. His stomach dropping as he read the overflowing texts.

"I'm guessing it's Sky texting you based on how you reacted." Jack said and clenched his jaw as he watched what Justin was going to do. 

"What makes you think it's Sky?" Justin retorted. 

"Because I know for a fucking fact that Tyler doesn't text you. Just being around him for the smallest amount of time is enough for me to know that he's not the type to text to know where you are. He'd rather worry about your dumb ass than text you and you be a bitch to him." Justin rolled his eyes and put his phone away. 

"You're hurting him, I hope you finally realize that. And if I see you at the party next weekend, alone, I'm leaving your ass and going over to help him. You're my best friend and all, but no one should be put through all that. You either fix everything or break up with him. You can't keep leading him on like this." Jack said before walking past Justin. 

Justin looked back down at his phone and clenched and unclenched his fists. Jack was right and he hated that he was. Without saying anything, he left. 

He hadn't realized for how long he had been gone until he was on his way back to the apartment. Sky messaged him multiple times and he kept ignoring them until they have become to much. 

He didn't know how things had gotten so bad, but Jack saying those things to him made him open his eyes. And after what felt forever, he was finally back. He sighed and reluctantly walked inside the apartment. 

"Good to know that you actually came or cared. Would've been better if would've come earlier when he needed you. Actually, it would've been better if you never would've left." Sky said from the couch. She turned to look at him and Justin winced at the harsh glare she was sending him. 

"Where's Tyler?" Justin asked, ignoring what she said. 

"Wouldn't you like to know. If you would've been paying attention, you would know that he's laying on my lap. I had to force him to go to sleep." She said and Justin walked around the couch to look down at Tyler. 

"How long ago did he fall asleep?" Sky rolled her eyes and looked down at Tyler. Who was staring right back at her. 

She ran her hand through his hair as she saw tears swell up in his eyes. He snuggled closer to her in order to hide his tears from Justin. "He had just fallen asleep a couple minutes before you arrived." She said, her voice monotoned. 

She avoided eye contact with Justin and simply continued to play with Tyler's hair. Justin didn't know what to say and Tyler sensing this, sat up. Still only facing Sky. 

"You can go, I'll be fine." Tyler said just above a whisper and Sky sighed. She kissed his forehead and hugged him. 

"Don't forget that I'm just a call away. I'll come to pick you up if you need to." And with that, she was gone. Justin sat where she previously was and motioned Tyler onto his lap. 

Tyler looked up at him before reluctantly straddling Justin's lap. "What's wrong with us? We were fine just a couple of weeks ago and now, its like we're strangers. Why can't you hear me crying out for you?" Tyler said and fresh tears fell down his cheeks. 

"Do you not trust me anymore? Is that why you never want me to know where you go?" Justin took Tyler's hands in his and kept his gaze fixed on that as he let Tyler say what he needed to say. 

"Justin, please talk to me... Please don't ignore me... I miss you." Justin winced slightly at how hurt Tyler sounded. Tyler waited for Justin to say something and when he got nothing, he continued.

"You don't touch or kiss me anymore... You don't call me by my favorite pet name... Do you still l-love me?" Tyler said, his voice cracking at the end. Justin's head snapped up and reached up to cup Tyler's cheeks. 

"Of course I still love, I love you so much." Justin said and pressed a kiss to Tyler's forehead. 

"Then why don't you show me? You say you do, but you don't even want to be near me." Tyler said tiredly and got closer to Justin. Justin let him wrap his arms around his neck and hug him as silent tears fell down his cheeks.  

And as Justin held Tyler in his arms, his heart hurt knowing how much Tyler was hurting. And the more he thought about it, maybe breaking up was best for both of them. 

He noticed how Tyler had fallen asleep and as best as he could, he managed to lay down on the couch with Tyler still on top of him. He played with Tyler's hair and thought back to everything. 

He knew he had to tell Tyler about the apartment, but he didn't want to. Not if he planned on soon breaking up with him. 

Looking down at Tyler on his chest, so peaceful, brought tears to his eyes. Everything that Jack had said had been true. He had always been afraid of Tyler being the one to fall out of love with him, but that wasn't the case. 

He loved Tyler with everything and hated to admit that he wasn't in love with him. He kissed the top of Tyler's head as a tear fell down his cheek, hugging Tyler tightly. 

"I'm so sorry, Ty, but you deserve better." 


i'm sorry. 

two chapters left. 

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now