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As days went by, Tyler would hesitate to be in the same room as Justin. He barely talked unless Justin would start the conversation.

Tyler had a lot of trouble the first few times, but eventually understood what he had to do. He had seen a drastic change in Justin and he wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.

He looked happier and more energetic. Tyler was happy to see Justin so happy, but the same couldn't be said for him.

Just like Tyler had seen a change in Justin, Justin had seen a change in Tyler. He noticed how Tyler suddenly put his walls up.

He had gone back to the Tyler that he first had met. The Tyler that struggled to trust anyone and was indecisive of going into this relationship with Justin.

This change in Tyler bothered him. He wanted Tyler be less clingy, not to be so distant. And no matter wherever they went together, he'd noticed how Tyler wouldn't reach over to hold his hand while driving.

He noticed how he stopped taking cute snaps of him and Justin, only posting an occasional selfie.

Justin was second guessing his decision every time he would look over at Tyler. Specially when they would hang out with Sky. Tyler never noticed how Justin longed for the same type of affection.

But he couldn't do anything about it since it was what he had wanted. For Tyler to not be too affection with him.

Justin would watch how Tyler and Sky would take multiple pictures and would record so many videos of each other and occasionally have Justin be part of them.

But the minute they would drop off Sky, Tyler went back to his reserved self. He didn't know how to act around Justin anymore. He didn't want to make him mad if he was too loud or anything of the matter.

But even if Tyler was distant during the day, once they would go to bed, he would subconsciously cling onto Justin.

And it would stay that way until Justin woke up. Making Tyler pull away.

"Hey, Tyler, I'm going out, I don't know when exactly I'll be back." Justin said from the door way of their room.

Tyler looked up from his laptop and nodded. "Okay." He said and turned back to his laptop. Justin sighed walked over to him.

Once he was next to Tyler, he ran his hand through Tyler's hair and gently tilted his head back. He leaned down and kissed him.

Tyler gasped slightly at the feeling of Justin's lips on his and softly whined at how much he's missed Justin kissing him.

Tyler restrained himself from clinging to Justin and enjoyed the bit of affection he was getting. Justin pulled away slightly and Tyler subconsciously chased after his lips.

He pecked Tyler's lips a few times before standing upright. "Don't stay up too late, okay?" Justin said softly and Tyler nodded. He pressed one last kiss to Tyler's forehead and then headed out.

Tyler watched him as he left their room and the loneliness he had been feeling came back. Even if Justin was around the apartment, he always felt lonely.

But it would hit him the worse when Justin would go out with his friends. He was going to call Sky, but remembered she was working and set his phone back down.

He closed his laptop and sat on their bed wondering when this feeling was going away.

And as many times before, Justin didn't come back that night. Tyler knew this because as morning came, he didn't feel Justin's warmth next to him.

He frowned and curled up staring at the space next to him. He hated waking up without Justin next to him, but it's something he'd gotten used to no matter how much it hurt.

He sent Justin a text to ask if he was alright, and then set his phone back on the nightstand. He sighed and reluctantly got out of bed. He had a video to film and edit, but had no motivation to do it.

He kept himself busy to stop himself from his thinking about Justin. It had worked throughout the day until he looked at the time on his laptop and sighed.

He went into his room to get his things to shower. He picked his phone up from the nightstand and walked to the bathroom.

Even if he was alone, he closed the door and checked his phone.

His heart dropped when he saw that Justin wasn't coming back until the end of the week. Tyler's vision blurred and he looked up to prevent any tears from falling.

Did Justin really not want to be around him?

He felt a lump start to form in the back of his throat and tried swallowing it down. He bit his lip as it started to tremble and failed to keep some tears in.

He took a couple of breaths and wiped away the few start tears that fell down his cheeks. He picked up his phone once again and dialed Sky's number.

He knew she was out of work by now, so it was okay to call. He didn't want to be alone another night.

"Hey, Ty." She said and Tyler felt his eyes tear up again.

"C-Can you please come over?" He said, his voice cracking.

"I'm on my way." She said and they both hung up. He set his phone on the sink and then hurried to shower. He knew it would help him a bit.

And as he finished getting out of the shower, he heard a knock. He texted her that it was open as he changed and soon enough, she came through his bedroom door.

He noticed she was in her work clothes still. "They let us out later than usual and I was walking to my car when you called. So I came straight here." She said and walked over to him.

He was sitting on the bed and she sat next to him. He was quick in hugging her and wanted her comfort.

"I don't want to be alone another night, I've had too many and I need someone to be here with me." He said and his voice was strained.

Sky's heart broke to here her best friend be in such need of someone's affection. She wanted to ask where Justin was, but chose to let him tell her.

"Come on then, let's get you to bed." She said and pulled back from the grip Tyler had on her. She stood up and he stood with her.

She looked around the room and shook her head. "Let's go to the guest room." She said and without hesitation, Tyler agreed.

They both headed to the other room, but not before he gave Sky one of his shirts and sweatpants for her to change into after she showered.

Soon enough, Sky was holding Tyler and simply listened to everything that he did that day and day before, scolding him for not calling her the previous day.

But not once did he mention Justin. She didn't bring him up and continued to play with his hair until he could no longer keep his eyes open.

And hugging him tighter as he whimpered in pain and scooting closer to her.


ten more to go... maybe less, idk

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now