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As the first two days had gone by, Tyler was able to sense that Justin wanted to tell him something. He didn't know what it was, but he was more curious as the days went on.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked one night and Justin simply nodded and pulled Tyler into his arms.

Sighing contently, Tyler enjoyed his time with Justin. Even if he wouldn't talk to Tyler and would simply hug him, Tyler was okay with that.

"Justin, are you sure you're okay?" Tyler asked the next day. He curled into Justin's side and Justin nodded.

"I'm okay, just been a little tired." Justin said and wrapped his arm around Tyler's shoulders. Tyler sighed and looked back down at his phone. Giggling to himself as he went through some of his notifications. 

Justin was watching him and sighed softly as his mind wandered off. He didn't know what to do. He wanted what was best for Tyler, but everything was so complicated. 

And as the party Jack had told Justin about got closer, the more that Justin was sure about what he was planning on doing. 

He told both Tyler and Sky about the party and to simply get Jack to back off, he was taking the with him. Tyler was able to feel how tense Justin was around him and he desperately wanted to know why. 

"Are we going in the same car? Or should I pick up Sky and just meet you there?" Tyler asked as they both got ready for the party. 

"Um, pick up Sky and meet me there. I... I have to talk to Jack about something urgent." Justin and refused to look at Tyler as he focused on fixing his hair. 

He knew he'd only mess up his hair later on, but he needed something to distract himself with. Tyler let out a small 'okay' before he walked out of the bathroom. 

Justin sighed and leaned against the counter as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Everything that his friend's have been telling him was taking a toll on him. He didn't want to believe them, but he had no choice now. 

Justin waited for Tyler to leave before going over to the closet. At this point he didn't care if Tyler noticed that his clothes were missing. He wasn't going to be here for much longer. 

He packed everything he could and then put it in his car before driving to his and Jack's apartment. Jack wasn't there and he was happy about it. He left his things and then headed to the party. 

And when he arrived, both Sky and Tyler there as well. Tyler smiled at him before taking Justin's hand in his. They both walked in the house with Sky following right behind them. 

And as they all made their way to where Jack was, someone called out Sky's name and she walked over to them. But still managing to keep an eye on Tyler. 

Upon seeing them together, Jack thought that maybe things were okay, but it was dismissed when he looked over at Justin. 

Tyler jumped when two girls squealed on seeing him and rushed to his side. Once they were close enough, he noticed that it was same girls they saw at the beach. 

"Sorry Justin, but we're stealing your boyfriend." One of the girls said and pulled a giggling Tyler away from Justin. 

Once he was gone, the whole atmosphere changed between Justin and his friends. They were all able to read him clearly. "Poor boy." Dakota said and left their group shaking his head at Justin.

"I figured you wouldn't tell him. And by the way you're acting, you plan on breaking up with him, aren't you?" Jack said and Justin simply nodded. 

"You're going to break him." 

"You don't think I fucking know that?! But I can't continue being in a relationship like this. I just can't. In a way, Conor had been right about one thing." Justin said and Jack glared at him when he mentioned Conor's name. 

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now