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Justin had sat in his car for a while trying to get Tyler answer his calls, but nothing worked. He left various voicemails asking where he was. He sighed and looked around to see if he recognized any streets.

And to his luck, he recognized the street leading to where Sky lives. He quickly made his way over to Sky's place.

He quickly parked and rushed to her apartment. He needed to make sure if Tyler was here as well as to talk to him.

Once he got to the door, he knocked and waited for her to answer. He waited a couple minutes before knocking once more and still not getting an answer.

He bit his lip anxiously and went to knock again when the door opened. "Justin, I'm sure you're wondering is Tyler's here." She said with a cold tone in her voice.

Justin slightly flinched. "Yes, is he here?" He asked. Sky leaned on the doorway and made sure that only open enough for him to see her.

"He is, but I'm not letting you in. Not after what you did." She said with a glare on her face.

"He's my boyfriend, I have every right to see and talk to him." Justin fought back and took a step forward to go in but Sky pushed him back.

"I said you're not coming in! I don't give a shit if he's your boyfriend, he's my best friend! I've been there for him and he's been there for me, so who do you think has more importance in his life?!" She yelled and this only pissed off Justin.

"Look, I know he's your best friend and have been there for him during tough times, but you can stop me from talking to him." Justin said trying his best not to yell.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Why would I let you talk to him if I know you're only going to hurt him? If anything, I'm going to try to prevent that from happening. And until he says he wants to talk to you, I'm not letting you." She snapped at Justin and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

He was getting annoyed at this whole situation. "Why don't you get yourself out of our relationship? This is all between Tyler and I. You have nothing to do with it." Justin snapped back and Sky glared at him once more.

"It has everything to do with me because who do you think picks him up when he's at his worst? Huh?! It fucking hurts to see my best friend get this hurt." She said and tried calming down.

"Sky, let him in, I'm okay now." Tyler said from within the apartment and Sky clenched her jaw once hearing him. She gave Justin once last glare before moving and walking into her room.

Tyler sighed and avoided eye contact as he motioned Justin to come inside, closing the door after him. "Tyler—"

"No, you listen to me, Justin. Today was supposed to be about us, no one else. I canceled what I had with Sky right after I suggested us going on a date. I wanted to be with only you, no interruptions." Tyler managed to make eye contact and Justin saw how his eyes clouded with tears.

He remained silent as Tyler continued. "I wanted to have some alone time with the one person I'm in love with and yet, everything went downhill. I understand that you got excited to see you're friends again, but to make me feel as if I was a bother to you, hurt."

Justin clenched his jaw as he took in what Tyler had said and continued to stay silent. Tyler took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know that I can get clingy and I'll admit that I have been recently, but that's only because I want you to tell me, to show me, to make me feel that you love me. Is that too much to ask?!" Tyler said desperately. All he wanted was love and affection from Justin.

"It is, to such an extent it is. I can't always have my attention on you, I need my own time and recently that's all I've been wanting. I'm not going to lie about it because you out of everyone, knows how busy I've been with everything." Justin said and Tyler shook his head.

"I can't believe what you're saying. So in other words, you're calling me annoying and a waste of your time."

"Don't put words in mouth Tyler! Just stop being a whiny bitch for a second! I already have to much to worry about and your petty actions aren't helping!" Justin yelled and Tyler was left speechless as he heard what Justin said.

"Well I'm sorry for wanting my boyfriend to make me feel loved! I didn't know it was crime! And if you really want to have some alone time, why don't you fucking tell me! Who do you think I am?! A mind reader?!" Tyler yelled back.

Justin rubbed his temples as he felt himself get a headache. "Why do you have to make everything a big deal? Yes, I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier tonight when it was just supposed to be us, but I haven't seen those guys in such a long time. I'm sorry for wanting to talk to them!"

"I wasn't against you talking to them! But I didn't want to stand there awkwardly and feel unwanted! That's what I made a big deal of. I'm tired of always feeling this way when your friends are around! You always ignore that fact that you have a boyfriend when you're around them and simply push me away!"

Tyler felt a familiar lump in the back of his throat and tried his best to swallow it down.

"And I've apologized for every moment in which that has happened. Everyone makes mistakes, no one's perfect."

"Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but you keep doing it even after saying you won't. And that hurts like a bitch." Tyler said defeatedly and Justin sighed.

"I don't know what else to tell you, but coming here was definitely a mistake. I came to apologize to you and go home, but clearly that's not happening." Justin said, a cold tone in his voice that made Tyler slightly flinch as he walked past him to the door. 

"Justin..." Tyler started, but was cut off by Justin slamming the door behind him. 


um, bye lol 

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now