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As usual, Tyler was the first to wake and once doing so, he looked up at Justin. Wondering when he had joined him.

He mindlessly started drawing little circles on Justin's chest as he laid on him listening to Justin's heartbeat.

Not realizing that his actions were waking Justin up. He sighed and stopped when Justin stirred a bit. "Good morning." Tyler said softly and moved so he could look at Justin.

Justin hummed in response and rubbed his eyes. Tyler moved away from him onto his side of the bed, but continued to face Justin. Justin moved onto his side and was facing Tyler as well.

"What time did you come to bed?" Tyler said and Justin noticed how Tyler kept a certain amount of space between them. Not liking to be so far apart, he scooter closer and pulled Tyler in by his waist.

"Not so late. Sky came and we talked for a while and then I came to bed. I was a bit tired of editing so I just took a break." Justin said and Tyler avoided eye contact. He still wasn't the happiest with Justin.

"Look, Ty, I know I messed up. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you and just been straight forward with you instead of just lashing my frustration onto you." Tyler felt his eyes burn as he remembered how he felt that day.

He closed his eyes and still avoided eye contact. Even now, all he wanted was Justin to call him by that one special pet name. Not by the nickname Sky used.

Justin took in Tyler's features and he didn't like the frown his eyebrows had. He caressed his cheek and tilted his head up to get him to look at him. "Baby, please look at me." Justin whispered and Tyler finally did.

Tears fell from Tyler's eyes and Justin pressed a kiss to his forehead and pulled him closer. "I'm so sorry, baby." Justin said and only then did he hug Justin back.

He hated being away from Justin, but he had to try to not be so forgiving. It was only hurting him more. They held each other and it wasn't until Tyler sat up that their embrace broke apart.

"We should go on a date, I feel like we haven't had one in such a long time." Tyler suggested and Justin thought about it.

He really wanted to finish his video, but when he looked back at Tyler, he realized his video could wait. "Yeah, that would be nice." He said and Tyler leaned down to softly peck Justin's lips.

"You can go work on your video while I get ready, I know it's going to be bothering you if you don't finish." Tyler said and smiled at Justin before getting up from their bed and heading to the bathroom.

Justin stared at him and sighed. He tried to no let that show, but of course, Tyler had seen right through him.

He got up soon after that and walked over to the kitchen where his laptop laid. He sighed once more and got started on his video.

He soon enough heard the shower going as well as some music being played. Something told him that Tyler would be in the shower for a while longer than he normally would.

He chuckled and reviewed everything he had done. And to his surprise, he had more than half of it done. He thought about what to do next and decided to add the last final edits. Within a couple of minutes, he was done.

He saved it and closed his laptop. He made his way to the bathroom were his boyfriend was currently just dancing around to his music.

He chuckled and was going to leave, but decided against it and closed the door and stripped himself out of his clothes.

A small smirk made its way to his lips as he joined Tyler in the shower.


"Babe, are you done?" Justin said as he walked in the closet. He chuckled when he once again caught Tyler admiring the little marks on his neck.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I just missed seeing them on me." Tyler said shyly and looked away from the mirror. Justin chuckled once more and walked over to him.

He pecked Tyler's lips before they both walked out of the closet. "I did miss them on you as well." Justin said and stopped to look at them.

"Anyways, we should get going before it gets too late." Tyler said and Justin nodded. He kissed Tyler one more time before he grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys.

"Let's go, baby." Justin said and intertwined their hands. Tyler smiled and happily walked alongside Justin.

And as they left, Justin had noticed Tyler going back to his happy self. He realized how much he had missed on Tyler's life and it made him feel a certain way.

He took Tyler's hand in his as drove them to a nearby restaurant they both have been wanting to try out. He kept his eyes ahead as Tyler kept talking.

He would occasionally bring Tyler's hand up to his lips and press small kisses to the back of his hand.

"Where are we going?" Tyler asked as he didn't recognized his surroundings. He had stopped his rambling to look outside his window.

"We're going to the one restaurant you said you wanted to try." Justin said and quickly turned to look at Tyler.

"Oh." Was all Tyler said and then pulled out his phone. Justin saw a flash go off in his peripheral vision.

Justin chuckled and shook his head. He knew for sure that was going to be on snapchat or instagram. He kissed Tyler's hand again and he heard Tyler giggling followed by him talking.

"Aww, my boyfriend is so cute." Tyler said and then the flash wasn't in Justin's direction anymore.

It wasn't long after that, that they arrived at the place. Justin parked and let go of Tyler's hand as he removed his keys and grabbed his phone. "Come on, baby. We're here." He said and got out of the car.

He walked over to Tyler's side just in time to take Tyler's hand in his once more. Once locking the car, they made their inside and both couldn't be happier to enjoy some time alone.

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now