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After hours of searching and hoping that Tyler would turn his phone back on, Sky's last hope was that Tyler would be back at his apartment.

She'd seen him drive off in the opposite direction so his apartment wasn't her first thought. And as she made her way over to the apartment, she sighed when she saw a light turned on.

She quickly made her way to the apartment and as expected, the door was locked. "Tyler, it's me, Sky. Let me in." She called out and knocked on the door.

She waited for a while until the door was unlocked. She walked in and Tyler once again curled up on the couch. He had changed into something more comfortable and by the looks of it, he had just gotten here.

"Why did you turn your phone off?" She asked and he shrugged. He was staring off into space with no emotion showing.

"I don't know, I just didn't want anyone to call or text me." He said and Sky sighed. He was isolating himself and she had to stop him.

"Where's your phone?" Sky asked and he simply pointed at the coffee table. And surely enough, his phone was sitting on top of it completely off. She picked it up and turned it back on.

"Please don't turn off your phone. If anything, leave it on silent or something. Or you could just mute the people you don't want to talk to." She said and he absentmindedly nodded.

"Talk to me. What got you upset and make you leave the party?" She asked and sat next to Tyler. Tyler sighed and turned to face her.

"I just... I got overwhelmed by everything." Tyler said and looked down at his hands. Sky wanted him to tell her and try her best to help him.

"Tyler, please, I want to help." She pleaded and made him look at her. It was getting to painful to watch her best friend be this upset. "Tyler, has Justin come back?" He shook his head and this wasn't a good sign.

"I don't know how to start... I'm just a big mess." Tyler started and Sky stayed silent. "I've been thinking this through and I just can't come up with anything." He sighed and leaned on Sky.

"I don't know what it is, but I love him so much and I don't want to lose him. We've been together for two years, close to three, and he won't talk to me about what's been bothering him. He's a lot more distant then before and it hurts. I can't even talk to him without having him walk out of the room. I'm scared, Sky, I really am." Tears fell from Tyler's eyes as he thought back to the previous months.

Their relationship was taking too many dangerous turns and Tyler didn't like the direction everything was heading. He loved Justin with everything and gave him everything.

And Justin's current behavior was confusing him. He didn't want to lose the person that meant the most to him.

"You have to insist and ask him straight forward and not sugar coat anything. What happened to the Tyler that wouldn't hold back anything? Just because you love him, doesn't mean you should hold back on what you feel. If anything, you need to tell him speak up to him." Sky said and Tyler's bottom lip started to tremble.

"That Tyler hasn't existed since a year ago. When I knew that I was deeply in love with Justin. And trust me, I've tried, but its almost as if he can't see how much I'm hurting." Sky's heart broke when she heard those words come out of her best friend.

She knew this situation was bad, but she was realizing that this was a much deeper and dangerous situation than she could have imagined.

Justin had Tyler helplessly wrapped around his finger and he didn't realize the big affect he had on Tyler. Seeing her best friend slowly crumble was killing her. She didn't know what to do to help no matter how much she wanted to. Except be there for him.

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now