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To everyone that saw them together, they seemed like a normal couple. With no problems and no fighting. Just a loving, healthy relationship that had they're normal arguments.

No one had their questions about them, unless they knew them personally. Tyler and Justin knew exactly what they went through daily. Tyler had been the happiest he's been since Justin starting to be more affectionate with him.

And this was something that didn't go unnoticed by Sky. She had watched Tyler closely as his behavior changed had gone back to his bubbly self. She had missed seeing him so happy, but she had been uneasy about it.

Everything was too perfect and that's what scared Sky. "Tyler, are you listening to me? When do you want me to get the supplies for your new video?" Sky said and waved a hand in front of Tyler's face.

Tyler turned his attention back to her and cleared his throat. "Um, I'm not planning on filming that video any time soon so whenever you can I guess." He said and Sky was able to notice how distracted he was.

He looked back down at his phone and like he'd been doing the past hour, he checked his phone one more time. Only to sigh and put his phone back down.

"Hey, you okay?" Sky asked and turned her full attention to him. He nodded and tried playing it off, but she could see right through him.

"Tyler." She said and Tyler sighed. He knew he couldn't hide anything from her.

"I just... Justin left early today and he hasn't texted me and it's getting late." He said and she nodded. He wanted to know when Justin was getting home and not knowing anything was making him uneasy.

"He'll be back soon. He's not going to do the same thing twice." Sky said in hopes of calming him down. It worked for a few minutes before he checked his phone once more.

He kept turning to look at the door or getting up and walking to the living room window. "Ty, everything will be fine. You'll see." She tried again, but it wasn't helping.

And it wasn't until they heard the front door being opened and a couple of voices. Sky stopped Tyler from jumping out of his seat and made him calm down before going to Justin.

She chuckled as he walked out of the kitchen and slightly looked at everyone that was in the living room.

"Hey, baby." Tyler heard and he smiled when Justin appeared in front of him. Justin wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I missed you today." Tyler said and pecked Justin's lips. Justin chuckled and hugged him tightly.

"Hey, Justin! You and your boyfriend can be gay with each other later. Don't ignore us!" Justin rolled his eyes when he heard his friend.

"I've been with you guys all day. If anything, it's my boyfriend who I've been ignoring." Justin said and turned to face his friends.

"You live with him and you see him everyday. We hardly ever hang out anymore so yes, you are ignoring us." Justin sighed and gave Tyler a few more kisses before pulling away.

"Why did I say yes to them coming over." Justin mumbled and Tyler giggled.

"It's okay, go talk to them, Sky and I were working on a few YouTube ideas before you came." Tyler said and motioned to the kitchen where surely, Justin noticed a busy Sky.

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now