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After a few days that Tyler stayed at Sky's place, he was finally going back to his apartment. He had the strong urge to not go back and simply give Justin more time, but he wanted to see him.

He missed Justin and wanted nothing more than to be with him. "Call me if anything happens." Sky said as she dropped off Tyler. He smiled at her and leaned in for a hug.

"Yeah, I will." Tyler said softly and then got out of the car. He watched as Sky left before he turned to face his apartment building.

He sighed and nervously made his way to his and Justin's place. He bit his lip anxiously as he noticed that their front door was open. He knew Justin was home and that unsettled him.

He took a deep breath and walked into the apartment. And just as he did, Justin was walking towards the door. Both froze in their spots and looked at one another.

None of them moved or said anything as they stood there. Tyler didn't know to do as he felt the tension between them. He wanted to run to Justin's arms, but Justin's poker face was making it difficult for him.

"I see you're finally back." Justin said in a monotone. Tyler averted his gaze to the ground. "Well, I should be back later." He added and left soon after that.

Tyler sighed and walked to their room. He didn't know what to do and as he grabbed his laptop, he realized that he was late in uploading his video.

He sighed as he logged into his social media and getting questioned left and right about it. He sighed and got working on the last bit of the video he needed to edit.

He apologized for the tardiness of it and made the video public right after it was uploaded. He closed his laptop and laid back on the bed. He laid still staring at the ceiling wondering if Justin would've had trouble sleeping without him, as much as he had.


Later on as Justin got back to their apartment, he noticed how quiet it was. "Tyler?" He called out as he checked the kitchen and then headed to their room.

He stopped at the door leaned against the door frame, looking at a sprawled Tyler on the bed. He saw how Tyler cuddled into his pillow to get his scent.

He sighed and walked over to Tyler. He petted Tyler's hair back away from his forehead and leaned down to press a kiss to it. He removed Tyler's jeans and replaced them with sweatpants and then did the same on himself.

He fixed Tyler's side to be able to lean against the headboard, picking Tyler's laptop and settling it on his lap. He had spent all day catching up with his friends, but he wasn't too tired.

And as he watched a few YouTube videos, his hand had mindlessly started playing with Tyler's hair. The action was making Tyler scoot closer to Justin and let out soft whimpers.

Justin looked down at him and sighed. He didn't know what he was going to do. They obviously needed to talk about had happened a couple nights ago, but he didn't know to bring it up.

He stopped playing with Tyler's hair and Tyler stopped moving, his eyebrows setting onto a small frown. Justin sighed once more and closed the laptop. His gaze set on their closet and then back to Tyler.

He grimaced at the idea that came to him, but what he and his friends had talked about, it seemed ideal. He got up and made his way to the closet. He went through a few things that he didn't really wear and packed it in a bag.

He rearranged his section and hid the fact that a few things were missing. He checked up on Tyler and and quietly walked out of their room. He grabbed his car keys and walked out to his car. 

He was surprised how quick it had gotten dark outside, but nonetheless, he unlocked his car and threw the bag of clothes in his trunk. Once closing it, he leaned against his car and pulled out his phone, quickly dialing his friend's number.

"Hello?" He heard and sighed.

"I'm gonna do it, but it's going to be harder than I expected."

"Well, the guys and I will be there to help. It's going to be hard, and we understand that, but just know that we're here and don't let it go on for too long." His friend said and Justin bit his lip. He looked back at the apartment and sighed.

"Yeah, I'll try, I'll talk you later, I've put it off for too long now."

"Alright, and Justin, don't hold back. Tell him how you feel, you can't keep him in the dark for too long or it'll just hurt him even more." Justin kept replaying what his friend said after he hung up. He locked his car and headed back inside his apartment.

And to his luck, Tyler was awake now and had moved to his side of the bed now. Justin slightly frowned and got on his side. He bit his lip nervously as Tyler ignored that he was next to him.

He didn't know how to start until he pulled Tyler's laptop away from him and closing it. Tyler knew what Justin was doing and simply let him do it. To which Justin was grateful for.

Tyler looked down at his hands and twiddled his thumbs to distract himself of the tension around them. Justin cleared his throat and then moved to sit in front of Tyler. And to that, Tyler looked up. They both sat crossed legged across from each other and Justin took Tyler's hands in his.

"Tyler, look, I know I messed up and trust me, I regret doing it over and over again. I hate how we can't even look at each other without something happening." Justin said and Tyler looked away from him.

Tyler didn't say anything and let Justin continue. "You knew since the beginning that I had trouble with relationships, but that didn't stop me from asking you to be mine." Justin reached out and tilted Tyler's head towards him.

"Look at me." He whispered and Tyler's teary eyes connected with his. "Please, just give me time. I'm not in the right place of mind currently and you clinging onto me isn't helping. Just... let me come to you." Tyler nodded and looked away again.

Justin sighed and pulled Tyler onto his lap. If there was anything that Justin was sure about, was that Tyler was going to do exactly what Justin asked.

Justin wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist and buried his face in his neck. Tyler wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and clung onto him.

Tyler sighed softly as he let himself relax in Justin's arms.


bittersweet with a hint of foreshadowing that's my specialty lol

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now