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"Justin, can you please–"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I told Jack I was meeting him at noon." Justin said as he rushed past Tyler and out of the apartment.

"–stay? I miss you..." Tyler finished softly as he watched the door close. He looked down at his hands and sighed. He wanted to spend the day with Justin, but by the looks of it, he was going to be alone once again.

Pulling out his phone, he decided against calling Sky and dialed Ivan't number instead. He didn't want to bother Sky and hoped that Ivan would want to hang out.

And soon after confirming that he could hang out with Tyler, Tyler was out of the apartment. He didn't know how long he'd been out with Ivan, but at some point, Sky and Noah had joined them.

And just like before Tyler a great time with them. Momentarily forgetting what he had in mind.

And when it was time for him to go home, he was dreading it. He hid his true feelings from Sky and Ivan, but he knew Noah could read right through him.

Upon getting home, he was greeted with silence. He checked all around the apartment and there was so sign of Justin yet.

He let it go and simply walked to their room and continued to brush off the situation.

"Justin, I–" Tyler tried the next day.

"I can't talk right now. I'm trying to finish editing this video." Justin said and continued to ignore Tyler.

Just like he had done the day before, Tyler went out with Sky, Ivan and Noah. Continuing to ignore the fact that he wasn't emotionally stable.

"Sky, I think we should film the video now. I need a new one to put out soon." Tyler said into the phone and started setting things up.

"Alright then. I'll be on my way. We should invite Ivan and Noah. We can involve them in the video somehow." Sky suggested and Tyler liked the idea of it.

"Yeah, sure. I'll call them to see if they want to. It might just make the whole video a lot better." He said.

He soon got off the phone with Sky and continued to dial Noah's number after Ivan failed to respond.

"Hey, Tyler, what's up?" He heard Noah say. Tyler chuckled when he heard Ivan curse loudly on the other end.

"I was just wondering if you and Ivan would be interested in filming a video with Sky and I? We can go out somewhere afterwards." Tyler said and bit his lips.

"Oh, oh wow, yeah, of course! Let me just tell Ivan." Noah said and Tyler heard when Noah yelled at Ivan to get his attention.

"Alright, he said yes, but I'm sure you heard him though." Noah said while chuckling.

"Yeah, I heard it pretty clear." Tyler said and chuckled.

"Alright then, we'll see you soon enough." Noah said before they Noh hung up. Tyler sighed and finished setting up.

And as the day was coming closer to an end, both Noah and Ivan got to meet Justin and they both noticed that something definitely wasn't right.

Sky kept her gaze on Tyler and watched as he barely talked to Justin was purposely trying to bust himself by talking to Sky or the two other boys.

"Tyler, for much longer are you guys filming? Jack and the guys are coming over to film with me as well." Justin said and his tone was something that didn't faze Tyler.

But it was something that both Ivan and Noah didn't like. Sky had seen this behavior before and was trying her best to hold herself back.

"We're almost done. What time are they coming over?" Tyler said while continuing to look at what was in front of him.

"Like in about an hour."

"Alright then, we should be done by then." Tyler said and with that, Justin walked to their room. Tyler sighed and then put a smile on his face.

"Let's get this done then."

Things were definitely changing whenever the two boys and Sky were with Tyler. He was trying his best to hide what he felt, but they could tell that he wasn't okay.

Tyler knew that they were aware of his condition and he tried his best to make them understand that he was fine.

He didn't want anyone to worry about him. And for them to believe him, he was more active on his social medias.

Everything was good for him except for the fact that he missed Justin. He missed his kisses, his touch, his cuddles, and just him in general.

And getting Justin to talk to him was getting harder to do.

"Justin, can you please just, be here with me? Talk to me, hold me, please? I miss you." Tyler said softly as he reached out for Justin.

Justin only glanced down at Tyler and continued typing on his laptop.

Tyler sighed and scooted closer so his head was laying next to Justin's thigh. He watched Justin work and wondered if Justin would listen to him.

And it wasn't until Justin got a phone call that Tyler lost all hope. "I'll be back later. Jack needs help with something. I don't think I'll be gone for long."

Tyler sat up and hugged his knees as he stared blankly at the bed. He knew what Justin was going to say once he turned to face him. "I'm sorry Ty, but Jack really needs my help."

And with that, he grabbed his shoes and walked out. "You act like I don't need you..." Tyler whispered to no one in particular.

He bit his lip to stop it from trembling and hugged his knees tighter. He wanted Justin to stop ignoring him.

He took a deep breath and decided that being in their room wasn't helping him. All he thought of was Justin.

Grabbing his phone and walking out of the room and into the guest room, he dialed Sky's number.

As soon as she answered, Tyler couldn't keep in the sobs that slipped past his lips. "P-Please come o-over." He sobbed into the phone and upon hearing this, Sky agreed before they got off the phone. 

On her way to Tyler, she couldn't get his broken sobs out of her head. And when she arrived, she rushed inside the apartment calling out for Tyler. 

She followed the sound of his broken sobs and when she found him, she ran to his side. "It's okay, I'm here." She said as she took Tyler in her arms. 

Clinging onto her, he slowly felt himself calm down. He buried his face in her and took deep breaths as she played with his hair. While watching Tyler trying to gather himself to talk, she couldn't help feel anger towards Justin. 

She had a feeling that things weren't okay, but she knew if she had intervened before Tyler said or did anything, things might have been worse. 

"It's okay, take your time. I'm not going anywhere." She said as Tyler tried talking. Hearing those words made him cry once again. Even if she personally did not want to see Justin, her best friend needed him. 

Pulling out her phone, she texted Justin to get home before setting it down and continuing to hug Tyler. 


excuse me while i go hide 

i love you guys, don't hate me too much 😂 

also, if your confused, i tried combining multiple days in the beginning 

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now