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"Baby, wake up, breakfast is ready." Justin cooed and gently shook Tyler's shoulder. After laying on the couch last night, they had passed out in each other's arms.

And it had been a struggling to get out of Tyler's grip, but Justin managed to slip past him and go to the restroom. And while all this happened, he'd come across Sky in the hall.

She'd simply smiled and said she was making them breakfast before leaving. Seeing her here, made Justin really realized how bad Tyler had been.

"Baby, come on, Sky's leaving soon and I'm guessing you'd like to talk to her before she leaves." Justin tried again and Tyler only mumbled.

Justin chuckled stood upright. "He won't budge." He told Sky and she chuckled.

"Yeah, it's hard waking him up. You have no idea how many times I've had to dump cold water on him. I feel bad, but it works every time." She said and Justin couldn't help laugh.

Tyler then groaned at all the noise around him. "Oh I forgot, he hates it when I make so much noise purposely, but as much as I want to be the annoying best friend, I got to go. Or else I'm going to be late for work." Sky said and to that, Tyler woke up.

"W-Wait." He mumbled sleepily and opened his arms for a hug. Sky reached over the couch and hugged him.

"You're too cute Ty." She said once Tyler let her go. He rubbed his eyes to wake up, but he was still in a sleepy daze.

"Well, I'll see you guys later." She said and the headed out. Tyler waved at her and Justin turned back to Tyler.

"Come on, lets go eat breakfast before it gets cold." He said and tried fixing Tyler's hair. Tyler shook he head and hugged Justin close to him.

"No, I just want to cuddle." Tyler said and tried pulling Justin onto the couch. Justin chuckled and freed himself from Tyler's grip.

"Baby, come on, I have something fun for us to do. Its finally warm enough to go to the beach and I want to go." Justin said and Tyler perked up on hearing his idea.

"Really?" Tyler said and Justin nodded. Tyler smiled and got up, no longer tired. They both ate what Sky made for them before leaving. Tyler was excitedly started getting ready.

And as they both gathered their things to go to the beach, Tyler would reach over to Justin once in a while and peck his lips. Justin smiled every time and was happy to see that Tyler was no longer holding back.

"Come on, baby, let's go before it gets too late." Justin said and wrapped his arms around Tyler as he was still fixing his hair. "You're hair is fine." He added and stopped Tyler's hands from fixing it one more time.

"Fine." Tyler said and left his hair alone. Justin chuckled and walked out the room to the living room. He sighed and looked out the window. He was glad to see that the sun was out.

"Babe, hurry!" Justin called out and Tyler rushed out of the bedroom.

"Okay, I'm done. You sure you got everything? How long are we going to be at the beach?" Tyler asked and Justin had to slow him down.

"First of all, slow down, second, I was thinking until sunset. We haven't seen one of those in a while, and third, yes, I did get everything." Justin said and Tyler sighed. 

Justin chuckled and held onto Tyler's hand. They both left the apartment hand in hand and on their way to the beach everything was just how Justin liked. Tyler had captured multiple videos of them and his hand never left Justin's. 

They spent the rest of the day laughing, smiling, and simply enjoying their time to themselves. For Tyler, this meant everything. Everything felt normal between them and when Tyler saw two girls come up to Justin while he was in the water, he bit his lip anxiously. 

He slowly made his way back to Justin hope that Justin wouldn't ignore him. Once he was a few feet away, the girls talking to Justin looked over at him. 

Getting Justin's attention in the process. Justin turned around to face Tyler and smiled. He motioned him to get closer and Tyler reluctantly did. 

Once he was close enough, Justin wrapped his arm around Tyler's waist and pulled him close to his side. "Guys, this is Tyler, my boyfriend." Justin introduced him and Tyler looked at Justin fondly before looking over to what seemed to be Justin's friends. 

"Hi." Tyler said and gave them a small wave. They returned the gesture and studied Tyler as he had gone back to staring fondly at Justin. They looked at one another briefly and both thought the same thing. 

The girls watched as the couple in front of them shared a few kisses before Justin turned back to look at them and continue conversing with them. But even if they were talking to Justin, they couldn't help keep glancing at Tyler. 

They had seen this before and it was unsettling them. And as Tyler would occasionally chime in the conversation, both girls were able to notice that something was different. 

Tyler laid his head on Justin's shoulder and he felt when Justin turned to kiss his forehead. He was happy and he wanted it to stay this way. 

Once the girls said that they needed to leave, Justin pulled away from Tyler and moved to hug both girls. They both came over to Tyler and he hugged both of them. 

But before they left, one of them pulled Justin to the side and said something to him that confused Tyler. He looked back at the other next to him and she smiled at him. They both waited until the girl hugged Justin once more before pulling away and motioning the other girl to go. 

Tyler watched them leave, but was brought back when Justin suddenly hugged him tightly and kissed at his neck. "I love you." he mumbled against Tyler's neck. 

"I love you more." Tyler said back and he felt Justin hug him tighter. Almost as if he was afraid of losing Tyler. Justin kept hugging him until Tyler pointed out that they sit down to watch the sunset. 

The time had flown by and little by little people around them had left. They had put their shirts back on as it was getting chillier and Justin held Tyler against him. He kissed Tyler's shoulder as Tyler was busy taking photos of the sunset. 

Things were quiet between them and as they both stared off, Tyler couldn't help wish for more days like these. 


it wouldn't be a miranda update if it wasn't slightly emotional towards the end lol  

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now