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As days went by since the whole situation with Conor, Tyler had seen something change. He wasn't sure if Justin was aware of what he was doing, but he was slowly distancing himself.

He'd watch him edit his videos and when he tried talking to him, he'd ignore him or snap at him for trying to talk to him.

And as Tyler started noticing this, loneliness was starting to creep up on him once again. "Justin, maybe you should take break, you're stressing again." Tyler said and hovered near him.

"I'm fine, just go hang out with Sky or something, I don't know, but leave me alone." Justin said and Tyler was taken aback.

He wanted to know what was going on with him, but like before, he'd closed himself off from everyone.

"Alright then, sorry for worrying." Tyler said and walked out of the kitchen. Not letting Justin say anything.

The more Tyler thought about it, maybe hanging out with Sky was best. He got ready and without saying anything to Justin, headed towards the front door.

Only then did Justin look up. "Where are you going?" He asked and Tyler rolled his eyes as he opened the door.

"To Sky's, just like you told me I should since all I'm doing is bothering you."


"It's fine." Tyler said and walked out. He pulled out his phone and dialing Sky's number.

"What's up?" Sky answered and Tyler sighed.

"Can you meet me at the coffee shop near your place?" He said as he walked to his car. Quickly unlocking it and getting inside.

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay." Tyler said hung up. He silenced his phone and threw it on the passenger seat. He sighed once more and quickly made his way to the coffee shop.

He had so many things in his mind that he needed to let out. He felt like a ticking bomb and he hated it.

A wave of relief came over him as the coffee shop came into view and looked for a parking spot. Once finding one, he made sure that he had his phone with him and made his way inside the coffee shop.

He looked around the place and tried looking for Sky. He sighed when he couldn't find her and simply chose to sit at one of the tables near a window. He pulled out his phone and sent her a text.

And as he was distracted by what was going on outside, he didn't notice the person that walked up to him.

"Is this seat taken?" Tyler flinched in hearing the voice and snapped his head towards the source of voice.

"Um, not exactly, but I'm waiting for a friend." Tyler said and smiled at the guy standing in front of him.

"Well then, do you mind if I keep you company while you wait? I'm also waiting on someone." The guy said and Tyler shook his head. "I'm Ivan by the way." The guy added and extended his hand to shake Tyler's.

"I'm Tyler." Tyler said and shook Ivan's hand. And as they waited for their friends, they both got to talking and Tyler was surprisingly having a good time.

It had been the hardest he's laughed in months. Tyler had been so into the conversation that he didn't notice Sky and Ivan's friend arrive.

"So I see you made a new friend." Tyler's head snapped towards Sky and blushed lightly.

"Yeah, this is Ivan, Ivan, this is my best friend Sky." Tyler said as Sky sat down next to him. They shook hands and then Ivan turned his attention towards the guy that was sitting next to Ivan.

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now