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Tyler couldn't remember when he and Justin had just hung out together and it just be them too. And as he swung both his and Justin's arm between them, he couldn't be happier.

They were currently walking to the movie theater after driving back from dinner. There was no better way to show off and be affectionate with each other than going to watch a movie.

"What exactly do you plan on us watching?" Tyler asked and Justin shrugged.

"I'm not sure, we'll watch whatever looks best." Justin said and Tyler shook his head. Of course that'd be the plan.

"Okay then." Tyler said and continued to happily swing their arms.

Before Tyler knew it, they had arrived at the movies and had gotten their tickets. Both had wanted popcorn and candy, but their full stomachs told them otherwise.

As they watched the movie, Tyler had managed to squeeze himself in Justin's seat to be able to cuddle him. "Much better." He sighed contently and positioned himself to lay on Justin and still be able to watch.

And throughout the movie, Justin got distracted by playing with Tyler's hair and occasionally rubbing circles on his back.

Tyler had gotten sleepy from Justin playing with his hair and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep on Justin's chest. And it wasn't until the movie ended that Justin realized that Tyler was asleep.

He chuckled and gently tried waking him up. "Baby, the movie ended." Justin said and shook his shoulder.

"Hmm?" Tyler hummed and soon enough sat up. "Did it end already?" He asked sleepily and Justin nodded.

"Yeah, it just ended." Justin said and Tyler stood up to stretch. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair to try and fix his hair.

"Let's go and get you to bed. I probably shouldn't have played with your hair." Justin laughed as Tyler struggled to fix his messy hair.

"You think? And I'm cold now so I'm wide awake." Tyler said and yawned soon after that. He was a little tired, but it wasn't enough to make him go to sleep right as they got home.

They once again joined hands and as they walked out of the movie theater, Justin heard someone calling his name. He looked around for who it was and soon spotted a group of guys standing not so far from them.

Justin started heading their way and Tyler reluctantly followed.

"Hey! Long time no see!" One of the guys said and came up to give Justin a hug. "Who's the cutie?" The guy asked and Justin turned to look at a confused Tyler.

"Uh, this is my boyfriend, Tyler." Justin said and Tyler gave them all a small wave and "hi". Tyler didn't know what to think as he stared at the group of guys.

He was cold and walked to go back home, but Justin seemed to be animatedly talking to the group of guys. He felt left out and when he tried to get Justin's attention, he'd brush him off.

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and when he tried once more to get the car keys, Justin let out a frustrated sighed.

"Hold on, Ty, we'll leave soon." Justin said and dismissed him again. Tyler felt an uneasiness within him and as he looked around, he caught the gaze of one of the guys from the group.

He looked away when he noticed the guy looking at him in pity. All he wanted was to enjoy some time with Justin without any interruptions, but nothing was going as planned.

And for the last time, he tried to get hold of the keys, but Justin once again brushed him off and slightly pushed him away. And as he pushed him, he made Tyler bump into a couple walking by.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Tyler apologized.

"It's okay." They both said and smiled at him. He weakly smiled back and as they left, he stared at them and wished that could've been him and Justin.

He felt a lump on his throat start to form and his fists clenched and unclenched. He wasn't going to tear up in public.

He pulled out his phone and quickly called Sky.  He looked around for the street signs and he was thankful him and Justin had driven back to the movie theater close to Sky's place.

"Hey, Ty." She answered and the urge to cry was getting harder to suppress.

"I'm going over to your place." Tyler said, his voice strained.

"Okay." And with that Tyler hung up and wrapped his arms around himself and he walked away from Justin and his friends without a second glance.

And as he walked to Sky's place, he didn't stop the tears from falling.

Justin and his friends kept talking until one of them asked for Tyler. "Hey, Justin, where did your boyfriend go?"

Justin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked around. There was no signal of Tyler anywhere. He pulled out his phone and there weren't any texts from him.

He quickly dialed his number and was sent straight to voicemail. Something about this made him uneasy.

That was until a woman sitting a bit apart from them spoke up. "If you're looking for the cute brunette, he left about twenty minutes ago. He looked pretty upset to me." The woman said and then got up to walk up to them.

"Did you see what direction he headed?" Justin asked and the woman pointed right across from them.

"I saw him talk to someone of the phone and then left upset. He was trying to hide it, but honey, it was pretty clear that he was upset." She said and Justin mentally cursed himself out.

"Thank you." Justin said to the woman and she nodded before walking back to where she was sitting.

"I'll see you guys later, I have to go find him." He said and rushed to his car while trying to call Tyler again.


Oof a double update... what?!? lol y'all are welcome.

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now