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"Justin, you okay? Ever since we got here, you've been nothing but quiet. We came here to distract you from everything, but it seems like your mind keeps going back to Tyler." Justin rolled his eyes at his friend.

He was a little annoyed still that his friends all planned this without telling him and just dropped it all on him.

"Yes, Jack, my mind keeps going back to Tyler because my relationship with him hasn't been the best and me suddenly leaving for a week without any explanation, is going to take a toll on him. I've put him through enough already!" He snapped and Jack was taken aback.

"Justin, calm down! Yes, I get it that maybe leaving so sudden wasn't the best, but you need a fucking break from that relationship. From what you've told us, you're better off breaking it off." Jack said and rolled his eyes.

Justin glared at him. Yes, he need a small break, but just ending it for his own selfish needs from day to another, wasn't fair to Tyler.

"You've told us yourself that maybe having a break would be best."

"Yes, I did think and say that, but not when I know he's in pain. I thought that if he wasn't so clingy, I would stop thinking that way, but I didn't. I did feel a little relieved at first, but then I realized how much I love him being his clingy self." His mind suddenly thinking back to the many times he wished Tyler would just hug and kiss him out of nowhere.

"You make no sense, Justin. One day you want to be Tyler free and the next you want it to be all about him. You need to make up your damn mind. You either want him, or you don't. You can't keep going back and forth. Jack is right, you're better off breaking it off and figuring out what you want." Justin groaned as his other friend intervened.

"No, I'm not doing it, Conor. I'm not breaking up with him just because we may not be okay right now. I already agreed to looking for a separate place to go if things do become too much, but I'm not doing it." Justin said and walked past all of them to his room.

He didn't know why he even agreed to coming with his friends to this beach house, but it definitely was a mistake. He needed to be with Tyler and talk to him.

He made up his mind and that was to get his Tyler back. He wanted Tyler to be nothing but himself. So without a second thought, he packed every thing he brought with him.

"Justin, what are you doing?! We just got here! You can't go back to him yet. You need to think things through, clear you mind and have fun on your own!"

"How can I have fun with my so called friends when I know for a fucking fact that Tyler's miserable! Fuck, I've been more miserable than I was before and it's all my fucking fault!" Justin yelled and pushed past them.

He rushed to his car. His friends were trying to stop him, but they were only making things worse. He never should have left.

He hadn't come back to Tyler the day he last saw him, and suddenly leaving, that wasn't fair. He knew his friend were trying to help, but they were getting way too involved. 

And as he drove out the driveway. He looked back at the angry looks on his friends' faces. He didn't care about them and only kept Tyler in his mind.

"Sky, didn't you have work today?" Tyler asked as he walked in the guest room. She was currently helping him find something fun for a video.

"Um, no, today's my day off." She said and smiled at him. He smiled back and crawled onto the bed to sit next to her.

"What have you found so far?" He asked and looked at the laptop. He noticed that she had a lot of YouTube tabs open.

"Well, I watched some videos and so far, I like three out of the ones I've watched." Sky said and Tyler nodded. She showed him which were the videos she liked and he admitted to liking them as well.

And it wasn't until they were busy writing down ideas and joking around once in a while, that they heard someone knocking on the front door.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at each other. Their eyebrows furrowed in confusion as they waited for the person to knock again.

They didn't, but Tyler now heard keys and someone opening the door. He walked out of the room and down the hall. He was confused to who it was. He knew it couldn't be Justin, he was gone for a week.

But to his surprise, as he slowly made his way to the door, it opened and in front of him was Justin.

He gasped and without thinking about it, he ran to him, Justin meeting him half way. Justin hugged him close to him and Tyler did the same as tears clouded both their visions.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Justin said and kissed him, picking him up. "I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have left knowing that you wanted me close. And fuck, I shouldn't have told you stop being so clingy because I love it when you randomly hug and kiss me." Tears fell down Justin's cheeks as he held Tyler so close.

Tyler cried happily as he peppered Justin's face and neck with kisses. Justin chuckled at the action and slowly put Tyler down.

Justin pulled away slightly to close the front door and then walked over to the couch. Once he was comfortable, Tyler quickly crawled on top of him and cuddled into Justin's chest.

"I've missed you. You don't know how much I've just wanted to be held by you." Tyler said, his voice strained with emotion.

"I'm so sorry." Justin mumbled into Tyler's hair.

"I love you." Tyler whispered and leaned up to look at Justin. Justin smiled as he made eye contact.

"I love you more." He whispered back and leaned down to press a gentle kiss on Tyler's lips.


a cute chapter cause it's their 5 month anniversary

[p.s. I stayed up until 12 to post it exactly on the 2nd lol]

His Happiness Before Mine - Jyler √Where stories live. Discover now