Chapter 4

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You let out a loud laugh that sounded like a shriek as Shawn tried to smear chocolate all over your face. The people at your table erupted in laughter, the men encouraging Shawn and the women telling him to stop. Soon enough, Four began trying to get Tris too, Jacob tried to get Mahogany who was across the table, Eric was literally throwing chocolate at Christina and Brent was trying not to get any on his shirt. 

You heard a familiar voice clear their throat. You turned to see that it was Matt, Johnson, Carter and Aaron.

"Hi, guys. Sorry to interrupt. Uhh, (y/n), we're going back to the dorms now, it's nearly nine. Were you going to come, or?" Matt drifted off as he shifted his weight from foot to foot, probably feeling awkward from being so near such intimidating Dauntless authorities. 

"Oh," your eyes widened, almost forgetting. "Right, right. I'm coming." you put down your fork on the now empty plate. As you got up, the talking stopped and the eyes of everyone sitting at the table were on you. 

"Where are you going?" Tris frowned. You didn't realize she actually paid any attention to you until now. 

"Oh, right. How rude of me," you laughed nervously. "I've gotta go back to the dorms. Lights out is in a few minutes, Mahogany's rules." you sneaked an accusing glance at Mahogany who gave a guilty grin.

You could have sworn you heard Jacob's heart flutter a little. 

"Ugh, you're so hard on these kids, Mahogany. Remember when were initiates? We hated our instructors for being so stingy with curfews." Tris light-heartedly chastised Mahogany, earning a chuckle from the red headed instructor.

"Right, and you always got enough sleep for the day ahead, didn't you?" Mahogany retorted. Tris only rolled her eyes, a smile on her lips. 

"Well, I should go. Thanks for inviting me to eat dinner with all of you." you smiled over at Four and Shawn. 

"Don't sweat it, (y/n)." Four gave you a lazy half smile that you returned.

"I'll walk with you, I've got to go to my dorm too anyways." Shawn wiped his hands on his pants sloppily as he got up. Boys. 

You and Shawn joined the little group of Dauntless transfers as they exited.

It was silent. Like, dead silent as you walked back to the dorms. Johnson and Aaron were busy having an exasperated conversation about the bruises that were forming on their bodies from the fight they had lost earlier, Matt tried to busy himself by staring at the highly fascinating stone walls on either sides of you, Carter was inspecting the huge blotch of blue on his arm that certainly wasn't there yesterday, dragging his badly injured leg behind him as he walked, and Shawn was occupying himself by whistling a song you've never heard of before. Must be a Dauntless song. 

"How come you don't look so bad, (y/n)?" Carter called out, raising an eyebrow. But the smirk on his face told you that he knew something.

"Are you kidding? I have a bruise the size of your head on my stomach." you shoved Carter playfully. 

"She's just good at hiding things, that's all." Matt's tone was sharp, hurting you in a way you couldn't decipher.

His lips were in that big smile he does when he's joking but his eyes weren't squinted, it was wide and mean. It was the kind of crazed anger you would see in a ruthless Dauntless's eyes. 

The hall fell silent as everyone let Matt's little snide remark sink in. 

"Right." Carter cleared his throat awkwardly, walking faster so he could avoid you and Matt.

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