Chapter 7

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You sighed in content as you walked in to your dormitory. It was nice to get everything off of your chest to a bunch of girls. They just got you the way boys couldn’t, you know? 

Of course, whatever serene thought you had earlier completely vanished once you walked into a havoc of a room. Nothing good happens when a bunch of boys are in one room without a girl to keep them in check. 

Things were scattered around the room; pillows, clothes, towels, shoes, Dauntless clothes. Thankfully your bed remained untouched. You breathed in relief as you dodged Carter and Al-who were having a pillow fight-to get to your bed. 

“Oh, you’re back.” Matt acknowledged your presence as a greeting as he looked up from his book momentarily. 

“For a second there I thought you’d all ruin my bed.” you smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes. They were too busy staring down the two articles of clothing strewn carelessly across your bed. You were going to return it to Shawn during training but you forgot and now it was kind of impossible to even be in the same room with him. 

“We knew better than to disrupt the beast’s cave.” Matt mused, not even glancing up at you this time, his nose buried in the book. You rolled your eyes, a smirk on your face. 

You jumped on whatever space was left on his small bed and quickly snatched the book out of his hand. “What’s this?” 

Matt let out whine of protest but your eyes quickly scanned the book. 

“Where’d you get a book in Dauntless?” 

“Will snuck it into headquarters during Choosing Day.” Matt sighed as he laid his head on your shoulder so he could continue to read, defeated. You noticed that your legs felt oddly cold as they laid beside Matt’s. Tingly and freezing, uncomfortably wonderful. 

“Came prepared,” you chuckled, trying not to think of the nonexistent distance between your legs and his. “Such an Erudite.”

“Old habits die hard, Amity.” Matt looked up at you from your shoulder. You gave him a small smile as you continued to read the section on “How To Defend Against An Armed Attacker” together. How romantic. 

The awfully detailed graphics that were drawn by technology made you want to laugh a little. You would have never seen such an intricate book like this in Amity. All Amity books were old and dusty and even smelt organic. 

“Turn the page, sweets.” Matt was like this; random bursts of romanticism, always supportive, always kind. Well, except for yesterday when he snapped at Shawn and beat up Cameron. But still.

You’ve grown to like Matt. It just felt right with him, you know? 

It felt easy, your friendship was like a never ending supply of water that flowed by itself. Okay, maybe that was a horrible metaphor but the point is, it didn’t feel forced, didn’t feel like you have to work hard for it to flow. It felt nice to be with Matt, comfortable. 

The topic of boys yanked your thoughts back to Shawn and you couldn’t focus on the book anymore. You knew Matt wasn’t paying attention to you cause he would occasionally flutter his eyelashes against your black covered skin indicating that he was still reading the book.  

You sneaked a few glances at Shawn’s gigantic clothes on your bed. Should you just keep it? Should you return it? You were sure he’d probably make some snarky remark and you’d just end up getting even more pissed off. You tried thinking of your new friends. What would Tris and Christina do?

“You’re thinking of him, aren’t you?” Matt asked without looking up at you, his thin fingers curling around the edge of the page so he could turn it. 

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