Chapter 23

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You held your breath when the other end of the waiting hall opened. After a few moments of Jacob and Brent hurrying inside, they came out with a shuddering Lynn in between them. 

“Oh, my God.” you heard Shawn mutter under his breath, his hand tightening around yours. 

“Lynn?” Uriah’s voice came out strained from beside you. Your free hand instinctively flew to Uriah’s shoulder, rubbing it in comfort. 

Uriah’s hopeful look remained but Lynn didn’t reply, her body still shuddering and her head down as Jacob and Brent held her upright by her shoulders. 

“She’s okay, Uriah.” Brent reassured. Uriah nodded wordlessly, retreating back to your side. 

Your eyes travelled to Marlene, trying to see how she was reacting to her best friend like this. You weren’t surprised when you saw that she was wide-eyed and frozen in her seat, not moving a single finger. You and the rest of the tense initiates watched the three of them exit the waiting hallway. 

“She was the fastest.” Aaron’s voice was small. 

“I’m not surprised.” Uriah chuckled hoarsely. The other Borns chuckled with him, agreeing with Uriah, knowing how tough and intelligent Lynn is.  

“Taylor?” Mahogany’s voice drifted through the open door. After Cameron, she no longer had the will to at least pop her head through the door. You didn’t blame her, though. Today was exhausting for everyone. 

“Well,” Taylor breathed, straightening his back to try and keep his tough front. “Wish me luck.” 

“Good luck, Man.” Shawn chuckled. He raised his hand to give Taylor a slight wave, only to realize that his hand was still intertwined with yours, causing him to wave both your hands in the air. You both blushed. 

Taylor chuckled, rolling his eyes while tipping his head at Shawn in mock salute before walking into the room, his body disappearing as he closed the door behind him.

The hallway filled with silence once again. 

You sighed softly, leaning your head on Shawn’s shoulder as you scanned the room. You noted how scared all of the Borns looked. The Borns have always been put on a pedestal. No matter which Faction, during initiation, Transfers will always be below Borns. And yet, looking at how much of a nervous wreck everyone was, you realized that everyone’s on the same level. Those who were strong didn’t necessarily have strong minds. It was all about being balanced and you could tell that some of your friends can’t take this balancing act for much longer. 

“You know,” Shawn whispered, pulling you closer by your waist so you could hear him. Thankfully by this point, most people have already begun to talk so no one could hear. “I’ve never seen any of the Borns so scared.” 

“I was just thinking the same thing,” you grinned sheepishly. 

“To be honest,” Shawn’s voice wavered. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of them fail before we met you and the other Transfers.”

“I remember,” you chuckled a little. “You were always at the top of the rankings back in the first stage. God, we were all so scared of you.”

“Do you think my spot will falter?” his whispers were getting softer and softer, resembling his voice last night at The Net. The thought of last night made your stomach turn pleasantly. 

“Nah, you’re the best initiate here, Soldier.” you winked cheekily, kissing him on his cheek. 

“Soldier?” Shawn raised an eyebrow daringly. 

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