Chapter 22

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When you, Shawn, and Johnson arrived at the waiting room, not everyone was there yet. There was Taylor in all his fuming glory, and Will, who was uncomfortably trying to avoid Taylor in fear. With Taylor’s firecracker attitude, you probably would have done the same. 

Even though there were only two people from your group of initiates, the hallway was shockingly half filled by Tori, Jacob, and Brent. 

“Where is everyone?” upon Shawn’s question, the three of their heads snapped to the three of you. Their eyes drifted to your hand that was intertwined with Johnson. You could tell that Johnson was blushing. 

Your thumb patted Johnson’s palm as if to tell him that you were going to let go of his hand now.

“Thanks, (y/n).” he gave you an apologetic smile. “And you too, Shawn.” 

“No problem, bro.” despite Shawn’s usual gruff and cold demeanor, a hint of a smile played on his lips. “We’re here for you.” 

Johnson returned the smile before turning away and taking a seat next to Will.

“Apparently, lunch isn’t over. Everyone’s at the cafeteria.” Will answered, seeing as Taylor looked like he was too angry to say anything. 

“Then what are you guys doing here?” you asked, your empty hand now intertwining with Shawn’s. He squeezed it in reply. 

“Didn’t feel like eating.” Taylor muttered. Those were the first words he’s said that doesn’t make him sound like he’s about to tear someone’s head off. 

Shawn gave him a look that you couldn’t read. You decided to ask him later.

“I think if I tried to eat, I’d throw it back out the moment I swallow it, so…” Will shivered at the visual.

“And we’re here upon Bart’s command.” Jacob spat. “Apparently now he thinks that ‘it’s a good idea if the male nurses to be on grounds during the initiation’.”

“Calm down, Buddy.” Brent chuckled a little, his hand on Jacob’s shoulder to settle him down. 

“You too, Tori?” your eyebrows furrowed, not really understanding why Bart would want a tattoo artist ‘on grounds during the initiation’. 

Jacob seemed to return back to normal as he sat up. “Uhh, no, actually. Tori wanted to-“

“Actually, (y/n). Could we speak in private?” Tori made a bee line for you, grabbing your arm before gesturing to the exit with her eyes in question. 

“Um, y-yeah, sure.” the furrow between your brows deepend. You gave Shawn a look before letting go of his hand and following Tori out of the hallway.

You thought she was going to stop dragging you by your forearm once you were outside, but you were wrong. She kept going further and further into the dark headquarter until she found a small gap between the walls. It looked like it was originally a crack, but it was so big that they probably just softened the edges to make it a gap. 

“Tori, w-what are you-“ 

“(y/n),” Tori cut you off, her voice low and slightly breathless. “Have you been getting extreme headaches, like weird flashbacks or anything?” 

“W-what-how, who told you?” your eyes widened. You realized that before Tori came up to you, you didn’t even remember those flashbacks. You could still hear Shawn’s panicked voice in your head. 

“Listen to me, (y/n). Whatever you do, you don’t tell anyone else about what you saw tonight, okay?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you stated confidently. 

“Look, I don’t have time to go around in circles with you, (y/n).” Tori sighed. “Just-“ she took a pause to look around, making sure that there was no one else near the two of you. “Don’t tell anyone about whatever you saw, okay? And be careful during phase two. They can see everything.” 

“Be careful? W-what do you?” you sputtered, brows furrowed and eyes wide. But before you could get a coherent sentence out of your stuttering lips, Tori had already ran away, her figures disappearing into the shadows the dark stone walls created. 


By the time you finished gathering yourself—or more like gathering as much of yourself as possible—when you walked up to the doors that lead to the hallway, you could see through the little square windows that everyone was back from lunch. 

You watched as Gilinsky brought Johnson over to where most of the Borns were. You held in a laugh as the timid Johnson walked over to the group, nervously shaking Cameron and Uriah’s hand as a greeting. You realized that that was once you, nervous and intimidated by the Borns. 

You eyed Matt, missing the way you two would just chill in the dorms and talk about Factions, history, and pretty much anything you’ve ever been taught in school. You missed Carter and his lighthearted friendship. You missed the simpler days when you didn’t have to think about love triangles and weird flashbacks that apparently could make or break you.

And yet, you were happy about your new found relationships with Uriah, Taylor, Lynn, Nash, and most of all, Shawn. 

You sighed to yourself, wondering how your life could have gotten so great and yet so messy in just a few weeks. To top it all off, initiation wasn’t even over yet.  

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