Chapter 9

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“Everyone knows what they’re doing?!” Mahogany shouted. Your voice mixed in with the other voices of your group members as you all hollered a “yes!”. 

You sucked in a breath once you heard the other team’s excited screams and shouts, not even trying to be quiet as they ran to attack your team’s base. 

“You ready?” Matt raised an eyebrow at you as their voices got louder. The three of you: Matt, Uriah, and you, had your legs bent in a readying stance, preparing yourselves to run. You nodded, not really trusting your voice right now. 

The other members of your team were all hiding behind huge rocks and random body parts of the horses from the old merry-go-round to make sure they don’t get attacked right away. 

“If anything happens, you keep running for the flag, okay? Uriah and I will guard.” Matt looked down at your shaking hands that had a death grip on your gun. He probably noticed how shaken up you get when touching a gun. Uriah nodded in agreement.

“No. You need to be the hero, remember?” you bit your lip, trying to block out the loud voices of the opposing teams so you can carry on this hurried conversation. 

“On my count!” Mahogany’s loud voice interrupted.

“I don’t need the points, (y/n). I’m already third on the rankings.” Matt gave you a look, telling you to back down.

“Yeah, me neither. I’m first.” Uriah’s grin was sheepish. But before you could protest, the opposing team entered your base. You noticed that only half of them were there. They must have the other half guarding their base. You were going to have your work cut out for you. 

“Now!” Mahogany shouted just before the guns went off and they were starting to shoot. The three of you sprint forward soundlessly, Uriah at the front to guide the two of you and Matt at the back, making sure that none of the other team members noticed you three slipping away. 

“(y/n)! We’re guarding okay?!” Matt asked again before you all reached their base. Apparently they weren’t that far away from your team. 

You waited until you neared their base so Matt didn’t have time to disagree. You no longer noticed the nauseating feeling that the gun caused. Adrenaline was coursing through your veins and your brain went on autopilot as your legs kept sprinting and your lungs kept pumping oxygen for your muscles. All you could think of was what you needed to do 

“No! I’m guarding!” you managed to shriek just before you put your feet on the space right in front of the shipping boxes that the other team were obviously hiding behind. You saw Matt’s mouth open for a split second before the other team started shooting. Without a second thought, you dragged Matt behind a metal shipping box, the height of it covering both of your bodies. 

Matt let out a gasp that he was holding. “You planned this, didn’t you?” 

You nodded wordlessly, bending over so you could shoot a few members of the blue team. 

“Where’s Uriah?!” Matt’s voice was loud as he tried to talk to you above the noise of the neuro-sting guns. 

“He’s on the other side! If we don’t make it, he’s gonna take the flag!” your voice was a bit smaller than Matt’s to make sure the other team won’t hear your plan. You squinted over the metal to see that Cameron, Taylor and Shawn were the ones trying to shoot you both. 

A neuro-sting dart almost hit the side of your head, making you hiss back behind the gigantic metal boxes for you to recollect your breath. 

“You’re disgustingly brilliant.” Matt let out between gasps of breath as he hissed back to your side just as a neuro-sting dart flew over his head by a millimeter. 

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