Chapter 5

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You laid on your back, your two hands intertwined on your stomach like a corpse as you forced your brain into sleep. The Dauntless transfer dormitory was dead silent, darkness enveloping the cramped room.

The small uniform beds were in one line; Matt on one end, Al, the other Candor transfer, on the other. Everyone laid still so you guessed they were asleep. You were about to let a sigh escape your lips but a muffled sob interrupted you. 

Your eyes widened as your eyes shifted from side to side, not daring to move. Whoever the crier is probably didn’t want anyone to know he was crying. Images of your friends raced through your head and after about a minute, you were itching to know who the crier was. 

It started as a sob but now you could hear multiple sniffles at a time. You knew it wasn’t Carter or Matt because it wasn’t coming from beside you. Could it have been Aaron or Johnson? They were weak but you didn’t think they’d be thatweak. Everyone was on edge, being pushed to the limit with a huge microscope above them, the Dauntless leaders putting initiates to the test. 

Crying hadn’t even crossed your mind and now that the anonymous sobs were stuck on repeat, you couldn’t get the thought of your own fear and weakness. You were homesick and you knew you didn’t know what you were doing in Dauntless but you didn’t have the guts to say no. You’ll die if you say no. 

You frowned, not wanting these thoughts crossing your mind anymore as you softly turned to your left. Matt had his back turned to you. Was he asleep?

You saw him stir and then subtly turn to your side, one hand under the pillow, the other by his head. He slowly opened his eyes, giving you a sad smile. He must’ve had the same thoughts. 

Through the dark, you could make out the curves of his lips, his angular jaws, one dotted pale cheek and the hollows below his tired eyes. He wanted peaceful sleep just as much as you did. 

Who is it?” you mouthed, not wanting to embarrass the mystery crier. 

Al.” you saw his tongue form letters silently. You nodded a little, a crease between your eyebrows as you tried to ignore his soft hiccup-like sobs. 


“Get up, lazy ass!” you heard Matt scream in your ear before something big hit your body, the impact making you grunt. Your eyes snapped open to see that Matt was about to hit you with his pillow again

“I’m up! I’m up!” you jumped away. You groaned once you moved your body. “I think you hit my bruise.” you lifted up your shirt to take a look.

All the transfers stopped what they were doing once they saw your stomach. You gasped a little. The bruise was the size of Carter’s head. You grimaced at the blueish purple skin, some veins standing out as you breathed in and out. 

After a few seconds, the transfers went back to getting ready for the training day ahead and the room was buzzing with energy again.

“And that’s when he’s faking it?!” Matt raised his eyebrows in worry. “I will beat the crap out of that mother-”

“Matt!” your eyes widened. “I’m fine.” you mumbled. “It’s not as bad as what the others have…I mean look at Carter, he can’t even walk.” you pointed at the boy who only had a towel wrapped around his waist as he limped to his bed.

Matt let out a snicker. “Nice swagger walk there, Carter.” 

“Wow, great joke, Matt! You’re so funny!” Carter limped to Matt’s side, slinging an arm around his shoulder, hiking up the towel around his waist. “No wonder you’re getting all the girls! Must be your Candor humor! Ha ha!” sarcasm laced his voice as he forced out a laugh. 

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