"The Hobi I knew"

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I woke up with my husband; sleeping peacefully on my right side.

I gave a small peck on his temples.

"Babes, I'll help you" I said while running my fingers through his hair.

Hoseok opened his eyes as he felt the touch of someone on him.

"You ! What are you doing here ?" Hoseok gave me a cold look.

"Hoseok !!!" He left the scene without leaving behind a single word.

Hoseok went out without having his breakfast.

I dropped my girls at their school.

"Take care of each other, Bye !"



"Yeri~ah ..I think we need to talk." Jin oppa from the other side of the call said.

"Yeah ! Just tell me where.."

"At Tae's place"

"Okay ..be there in 5"

I got on the car.

Me: Sana...I'll...be working at home today...give all the accounts by 3.

Sana : okay madam.

I texted my assistant.

As told by Jin, I directly went to Tae oppa's house.

[3rd person p.o.v]

Yeri was welcomed with hugs and kisses by her brothers as usual.

"After so many days we are all together again" Taehyung was nevertheless more than excited.

They all sat in a circle with different types of food and beverages in front of them.

Jin cleared his throat and started "It's been a while since we last talked so I invited you two to Tae's house because -"
"-I am still single" Taehyung completed the sentence.

Jin rolled his eyes and started again "Yeri" he took her hand "let your brothers know everything"

She tensed up at once.

Namjoon and Taehyung had no idea whatsoever about what Jin was talking.

Namtae looked at each other, while she looked elsewhere trying not to make eye contact with her brothers.

"Jin what's going on?" Namjoon asked his other twin.

"So it all started ...." Jin started explaining every incident that took place between Yeri and Hoseok.

Yeri sat still, not knowing what to do.

"Who told you all these ?" Yeri looked at her hands.

"Yeri you have small kids staying at your house" Jin said.

"What ?" Yeri looked at Jin.

"Your daughters are disturbed"

Yeri sighed deeply and tears started to run down her cheeks.

Taehyung hugged her."It's okay we're here"

She wiped her tears "I should've told you before"

"It's okay"

"I promise to you Yeri I'll make that Hoseok suffer...who made you cry like this" Namjoon looked angry.

"Namjoon calm down" Jin patted him.

"Oppa it's nothing as such and please don't bring Hoseok here" Yeri protested.

"Then what is it ? You are still trying to protect him ? You love him... And he doesn't...he should be served right..." Namjoon was angry.

"Hyung let's listen to her this time..let's not repeat our mistakes" Taehyung said, remembering what had happened when they reacted against her mairrage with Hoseok.

Namjoon sat back on his seat, realizing his mistake.

Jin nodded "Yeri please speak up"

"I also thought that Hoseok changed but he is still the same Hobi I knew.
Believe me till yesterday I believed that. But yesterday I saw the same him."

"What do you mean ?" The three of them looked worried.

"So it was around three months ago when Hoseok had to go for a bussiness trip to Singapore. He was very excited about the trip as it was his first trip abroad on business matter. He prepared everything... got new suits and what not." She smiled while looking at her hands.

She continued "But after he came back from that trip everything changed and while he was there he tried to extend his days to return back and he also refused to call me. I don't know what happened to him in those days. But I think we should speak about the present." She paused for a while.

The elders looked concerned.

"So it was yesterday when he came home drunk."

"What he was drunk?" Namjoon looked at her.

She slightly nodded. "But he spoke some words to me yesterday. He said to me words like 'Yeri I love you' 'please don't leave me' 'I am sorry' and most importantly he said 'help me'. I didn't know what to do. How to react to everything yesterday. The words he spoke to me yesterday felt real to me. I think something is wrong with him. And I will need your help to find everything out." She sighed again.

"I think he spoke the truth. Because when hyung gets drunk he speaks the truth. I'll help you Yeri to get hyung back to you" He gave her an assuring smile.

"I'll help you too...and thanks to your angels who said to me everything" he hugged her.

Taehyung joined the hug too.

"I'll help too" Namjoon too joined the hug. "But if anything happens to you inform us first okay ?"

"Okay Oppa" she finally gave a smile.

"Yes that's my girl" Jin said smiling at her.

To be continued...

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