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Yeri's p.o.v

"I just want to make something for my Hobi so that he rembers me again !" I said these words to make my brothers belief that I will not take any wrong steps.

My inner voice kept on saying be strong till the end no matter what.

I tried to listen to my inner voice and started searching for the divorce papers.

The divorce papers were kept on Hoseok's table.

It was already signed by Him.

Without wasting much time I signed the papers and took my car.

I drove to the address that she had send me.

It was an old factory with a pile of rusted iron bars on the either side of the gate.

I got off the car.

I stood in front of the gate and sighed.

No one will ever imagine to come to this filthy place.

And my little daughters are kept here, I thought to myself and my tears started dripping down my cheeks.

I somehow controlled myself and tried to take long breaths.

I pressed the button on the door, which she told me to do so.

A man in black opened the door.

I got inside, but to my surprise it was a beautiful mansion from inside. Gaurds were all over the house with guns.

"You may sit here" a gaurd told me.

I nodded and just did as he said.

A woman in black came out.

Nanny ?

"You bitch where are my daughters? Who the hell do you think you are? " I spill out the words and hit her with my right fist right on her stomach.

The gaurds held me.

"Leave me" I screamed.

"You have messed up everything" she said while clutching onto her stomach and started laughing wickedly. "Now keep your mouth shut and give the divorce papers and leave with your little witches. Do as Yuna said or your daughters will be kept here forever and ever"

"You---and where is -" I held back my words at the sight of my daughters.

They look so weak.

"MOMMY !!!!" They yelled and ran towards me and hugged me.

I hugged them too.

Tears were streaming down from all the three of us. "Omma I am so scared..." Hyejin said.

"Me too mom" Hyuna said and they both hugged me again.

I showered them with kisses and held them tight to my chest "Mommy is here...don't be scared. We will be at home soon"

"Yaah~ stop all these nonsense drama. Just give the papers and leave." The witch said.

I gave the papers to her and left with my daughters as soon as possible.


Everthing is going as planned.

I saw Yeri and her daughters leaving the place.

I immediately took out my gun and ordered my people to get ready.

We broke the door and got inside and to my surprise the inside was beautiful.

My officers took hold of the gaurds and the maids.

"How the hell did you all get inside ?" The Nanny said, while she was hand cuffed by one of my lady officer.

"We are just not called the police of Republic of Korea" I smirked at her.

"You all will suffer" She shouted at me.

My plan is successfull uptill now.

[Flashback: to the time before Hoseok came into his senses]

"Hey Dr. Oh if you don't mind will you please follow me ? " I said to the doctor as we proceeded towards Hoseok's Cabin.

While Yeri is outside the room with her brothers; lost in her own world.

We got inside the room and locked the room properly, not getting noticed by anyone.

"Hyung the doctor is here" I said to Hoseok.

He slowly opened his eyes.

"Doc please check for the requirements he came into his senses about 15 mins ago" I said to the Doctor.

He made his investigation.

"You are okay. we can tell your wife.."

I cut the doctor "No we can't do that ...I have a plan"
"So you are telling me to act like I don't recognize my Yeri and give a false confession about who I am ???!! " Hoseok asked in disbelief.

"Yes that's the only way we can get your daughters back...in that way maybe Yuna will call Yeri and ask for the divorce papers, call her to a deserted place, return your daughters and after that perhaps they might kidnap you from the hospital...but don't worry...my troops will be ready." I turned towards Dr. Oh "and Dr.Oh plesse help us"

"Yes I will" the doctor replied.

"Thank you Young - do ...but please promise me that you'll keep my Yeri and my angels Safe" Hoseok held my hands and slightly bowed.

"It's okay Hyung...I promise" I said and responded to his bow.

Hoseok closed his eyes and then we slowly swept out of the room.

I hope the plan works.

[Flashback ends]

To be continued...

A/N :





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