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after 11 months (well it didn't take much time for me to get pregnant...Hoseok was horny that night)

"Bye sweatheart ! My princesses let us go" Hoseoks lips were on mine as he held both our daughters by their hands.

Hoseok drops Hyuna and Hyejin at school nowadays.

"Bye Mommy !"

"Bye bye"

"Oppa I think you forgot something" I said while making him look back at me from the door.

He looked all over, checked his pocket and everything "I have my phone here, money bag is here...umm Baby I don't think so"

"You don't think so !" I made a puppy face. "Are you sure that you didn't forget anything ?"

He looked lost for a while but just then "Ahhh" He came to me and gave a kiss on my big round tummy.

"Are you talking about this baby inside here ?"

"He is probably angry now" I pouted my lips.

"Oh my Hanseok-ah SORRY" He kissed it one last time.

"Bye Bye sweathearts !"


I clossed the door and sat on the arm chair.

From this life of mine I didn't just learn one thing but several small and big, good and bad things. Life is not given to someone for the sake of living only but it includes happiness, enjoyment with your loved ones. From the time I first met Hoseok I felt like my whole world have changed. I felt light and free. Smile never left my face. But only after a few days I had found out about my disease, and like the Snow White tale, when everyone lost me, a single soul kept me alive. He still says that when he kissed me I woke up with a smile...I dunno what was that but the doctors called it to be a miracle.

So from that part of my life I learnt to be Brave and Accept the reality and the fact that Love changes everything. It is no less than a drug. You cannot really stay without it.

I was first pregnant when I was 18. And at time it was the best thing that I thought to give it to Hoseok. My Angels are blessings of God. It wasn't hard to raise two children together, All you need to give them is LOVE and CARE.

Then comes the phase were an extra person entered in our beautiful family of four and brought horrid and terrible atmosphere around our home. I was LOST, indeed. My daughters were kidnapped, my husband revealed that he was being blackmailed. And also The fact came out that Hoseok, my love, sacrificied himself in order to save us. It was that moment of my life that he proved to me that what a man can do for his family.

And for me I believe that the first true love lives forever.

I woke up as I felt my tummy hurt a bit. "Oh my GODD ! Baby Hanseok, don't worry Mommy's here !"

Ever since I got pregnant with a baby boy. I've become the lazy queen who doesn't dare to lift an arm, AGAIN. Hoseok always drops the girls at school and then he comes home early and cooks dinner for me. While I sit on the armchair, and watch all the tv dramas and fangirl over the actors.

As I tried to move to the kitchen, I felt a sudden pain. I adjusted myself on the couch and called Hobi.

"Jagiya !"

"Oppa, I think I'm going to labour. I think the time came."

"But the due day is next we-"

"Oh Jagiya that doesn't matter...I cannot...ahh...I am going to the hospital to admit myself in..."

"okay Baby!! I'll be there in 5mins...take Ahjumma with you"

"Okay okay bye"I hung up the phone and called for the Ahjumma who works at our home.

"Yeri-ssi...The car is ready...Let's go!"

We were in the hospital in 20 minutes.

"Ahjumma you should go and pick up Hyuna and Hyejin and bring them here after feeding them" I instructed her as I laid on the hospital bed.

"Okay Ma'am Please don't worry about them."

"Thank you so much Ahjumma"

"Jagiya!!! You okay ?" Hoseok rushed into the room.

He sat beside me and started caressing my temples. " Baby ! don't worry I'm here!!"

"please calm down first ! And it's not me who is worrying but it's you" I chuckled at his strange behaviour.
After two hours

"AHH JUNG HOSEOK ...YOU'LL BE DEAD RIGHT AFTER THIS....AHHHHH" My inner voice come out like a great roar.

"Mrs. Jung...hold on for a few more seconds...he is already out." The doctor said.

"Baby just a little bit" I saw Hoseok sweating more than me.

"YOU BETTER KEEP QUITE...NEXT TIME YOU ARE GOING TO GET PREGNANT !!!" I honestly don't know what I'm saying.

"It's normal to hear all this stuff !!" The nurse beside him chuckled.

"Okay !"

"AAHHHHHHH" My shout ended as I heard a  loud cry.

I tried to look at the baby and saw a small cute little creature in the doctor's hand.

"Baby It's done !!...you did it.. I'm so proud of you.. and he is beautiful" Hoseok's smiled at me as he kissed my temples.

"He is beautiful !!!" I went in awe as the doctor showed him to me and gave him to me.

"Jung Hanseok welcome to the family" Hoseok cheered up as he kissed his little hands.

I was soon shifted to the patient's room.

"Isn't he beautiful ?" I smiled at my little baby.

The pain soon vanished as I saw the blessing in the doctor's hand. And that was the most interesting thing that I've ever experienced.

"obviously it is after all it's our child" Hoseok came in with our daughters.

"Mama he's so small" The girls sat next to me on my either side and stared at him.

"Mom he is so cute !!" Hyejin pinched his cheek.

"Okay now !! Everyone Smile" Jungkook rushed in with his camera and also the others.

"Congratulations" The people inside my room started cheering.

"Thank you Guys" Hoseok hugged his brothers. While the girls hugged

"Now other people please excuse..Hobi hyung go and stand beside your Family !!!" Jungkook said as he adjusted his camera.

"This Kid !!" Jin oppa rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

"Princess Congratulations !!" My brothers hugged me. "You have a beautiful son !!"

"Thank you oppa"

"Please hyung excuse !! I have to take a pic"

"Arraso" They all moved aside from the frame.

Hoseok leaned on my right side while my daughters on my left and our baby son on my lap.

"okay say kimchi!!"


the end


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