"Save Yeri"

494 36 6

[3rd p.o.v]

Ding Dong

Yeri without the thought of anything went to her brother Jin's house.

It was the best way she can keep her daughters safe.

Hwayoung opened the door and found Yeri at her door step.

"Yeri ?? HYUNA AND HYEJIN" She let her nieces and sister in law in.

"What happe-"

"Unnie please don't ask anything.. the main thing is I have my daughters now...and please take care of them for some time...I want to look at my Hobi" Yeri said while looking at Hwayoung.

"Obviously Yeri"

"Please make them bath first then make them eat something and then make them sleep" Yeri turned towards her daughters. "My Angels please stay with Aunty for a while mommy will be back with Appa...do whatever Aunty says to you, okay ?" She hugged both her daughters "I know you are scared but remember you are the strongest girls I have ever seen" she kissed both of them.

"We love you Mom" they both said and kissed her on her cheeks.

"I love you too"

"Unnie, I am leaving them to you" Yeri hugged her.

"I know..just don't worry everythings gonna be alright" she gave an assuring smile to Yeri.

Yeri left Jin's apartment and drove to her home.

While sitting on the car her phone buzzed.

Beep beep.

Yeri took the phone and noticed the same number again.

With her hands trembling she answered the call.

"Yeoboseyo Jung Yeri oh wait You are Kim Yeri...Right ?"

It was Yuna's call.


"C'mon answer me...haha...okay listen ...I came to know that you informed the police about this everyrthing you made my people arrested...gosh I hate you so much...you know what I was on my way to make Hobi mine but your policemen were gaurding him. So I wasn't able to do what I was going to do. Anyways nice to meet you again" Yuna knocked at the window of Yeri's car.

"You---" Yuna dragged Yeri out of the car with her gaurd.

"Yaah---I did everything you said to me" Yeri Shouted.

"Ben please carry her to the house."

"No..Leave me~" Yeri screamed.

"Not yet" Ben said.

Yeri was not abled to understand what was going on with her. She needed help.

"Let's get inside and let's get things fueled up." Yuna smirked at Ben.

"Always !!"

Yeri was shouting her lungs out but no one could here.

"Shut up okay...please don't" Yeri was thrown at the couch.

Her hands were tied and even her legs were tied.

"Please leave me..." It was too much for her to suffer in a single day.

"Shut the fuck up" Yuna slapped Yeri which caused Yeri to bleed. Her nose started bleeding.

Yeri somehow kicked Yuna and tried to escape but it was too late.

Ben pinned her to the wall. "Stop it will you !!"

"She will not learn like this tie her up with something...she took my Hoseok and she deserves the worst now. First I will make you suffer and then slowly kill you and then when you will be finally dead...I will marry Hoseok and live with him happily ever after."

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