"Choi Yuna ?"

646 41 15

I tried to do everything to find my husband's faults.

I was being the typical nosy wife.

But the situation made me do so.

I went through his study table, his cupboard everything but I was left with no clue about his change.

All my thoughts came about what I have checked while returning back from the office.

I parked the car in front of my favourite cafe where Hoseok and I used to come in our weekends.

I went inside the café and saw that the place where Hoseok and I used to sit has been occupied by a couple.

I moved to a single seat in a corner.

I tried to look around and I heard a familiar voice.

"I'll get divorce from my wife"

Is it Hoseok ?

I turned to the side from where the voice came.

It is from "our table".

It is Hoseok's Voice.

My eyes started to get watery again.

I tried to listen to them.

Seeing my husband with some other girl on the seat where I used to sit, is more than the worst nightmare I ever had.

I can't do this anymore.

"But what about your children" the girl asked.

"She'll take them with her"

Our daughters are our angels and none of us can live without them.

I cannot tolerate this anymore. It is okay that he loves someone else. But his daughters. He is giving up on his daughters ?

I clenched my hand into a fist. "Jung Hoseok ...How could you do this ?" I raised my voice and moved towards the table.

"Yeri ?" Hoseok was shocked.

"What do you think that I cannot come to this cafe only because you are not with me?....you're so fake ...you are giving up on your daughters whom you once called the apple of your eye? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ? YOUR SO ANNOYING...  "

The crowd looked at us.

The girl looked familiar.

"Choi Yuna ?"

She gave an evil smile. "This is what happens when you steal someone else's love in high school"

"Seriously Hoseok Her ?...Like SERIOUSLY !" I sighed and laughed in an awkward manner at him while trying to hold back my tears.

"Ma'am will you please calm down ? There are other customers." The waitress told me politely.

"Jung Hoseok ...don't ever think of returning back to my home again?" I took my bag and left.

"Yeri ...." I heard Hoseok from a distant and saw Yuna stopping him back.

I cried all the way to Jin oppa's house.

Ding Dong

I probably look like a homeles creature.

Hwayoung unnie opened the door. "Yeri"

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