"Don't Touch Them"

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[A/N : Hello readers ! I have a few Questions for this chapter below please try to answer them]

[Hoseok's p.o.v]

My meeting with the Company Xovo was in 10 minutes.

I stood in front of the conference room with my manager, Mr. Lee Seokmin and took a deep breath.

"Sir, it's going to be alright. " Mr. Lee patted me on my shoulders.

Mr. Lee has been in my company for 5 years, before he worked as an assistant for my Father. He is a loyal man. And I had seen him often, from the time I was a teenager. And now he works with me.

Thanks to Father for the company share 6 years back and I have my own company now and I think I am rich enough to have a house of 7.3 million worth. I am not trying to be over - confident about my wealth and work but yes, I am proud of myself and I love my family more than money. I am proud of myself as the husband of my wife, the person I love and cherish the most and I am also proud myself as a father of two beautiful daughters who thinks their father to be a superman. Yes I am proud of my family.

"Hyung please don't call me sir, I've told you before. You are older to me.."

"Okay Mr.Jung"

"Oh god !" I sighed once more and entered the conference hall.

The president of the Xovo company sat on one end of the conference table while I sat opposite to him.

His assistant came and sat next to him.

The meeting was a successful one.

The deal was confirmed.

"Thank You Mr.Choi" I bowed.

"I liked your company... anyway it was a yes." Mr Choi shook hands with me.

"Thank you so much" I bowed again.

"Dad shall we invite Mr.Jung for dinner tonight ?" The Assistant asked.

Wait Dad ?

"Sorry but Dad ?" Did I just speak out my thoughts ?

"Oh yess She is my Daughter Choi Yuna. She works as my assistant to learn business."

"Oh" Wait just an Oh !

Darn it !

"So shall we have dinner together ?" Choi Yuna popped the question again.

"Yes we shall" Mr. Choi said.

"Thank You" I bowed to them politely and left the hall.
"You two please continue with the dinner I have to leave first." Mr. Choi said.

"Okay, thanks for the dinner once again" I bowed to him.

He bowed too.

"So we are alone, aren't we ?" Ms. Yuna said.

"Yes we are"

She looked into my eyes "Hoseok oppa ! Don't you remember me ?"

Wait oppa ? What is going on?

"Sorry but I don't remember you" I looked away.

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