Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

We both broke through the surface of the water, and I splashed him laughing. “You’re such a dick.”

His eyebrows raised up, “Dick? It’s very interesting that you bring that up. It just so happens that I have a very large –“

I splashed him again, cutting him off. “Stop,” I said, only half-kidding. I kind of liked when we played this back and forth teasing game. “How’s the cast doing?”

He raised it up out of the water, “Seems to be doing pretty okay. I don’t think any water has made it in yet.” He started inching closer to me and I couldn’t help but notice how the droplets of water fell from his hair and hit his face, and how wet and heavy his eye lashes looked as he blinked. “You know,” he said, “I only have one arm now, so I am really going to need help doing some stuff like showering…”

I kept moving backwards until I hit the edge of the pool. There was nowhere to go now and he just kept coming closer. His eyes looked hungry and lustful as he licked his lips. I couldn’t help but remember how they felt against mine and how his hands explored my body.

He got closer to me. So close that there was barely an inch of space between us, but we weren’t touching at all. I felt this almost magnetic pull to reach out and connect out bodies. He leaned his face in closer and our heavy breath mixed. He was so close, but yet not close enough.

It was as if there was a line separating the two of us and we were just waiting to see who was going to be the first to cross it.

I reached my hand out and pushed him away, breaking the moment. “Taylor, this can’t happen anymore, okay? So just stop.”

The lust in his eyes immediately turned towards anger. “Stop? What the fuck do you mean stop? You’re the one who needs to stop. Last time I checked I wasn’t the one with the boyfriend. I wasn’t the one wearing skimpy bikini’s in front of other boys and acting all sweet and caring. You keep telling me this can’t happen, but maybe you should tell yourself.”

He lifted himself out of the pool and stormed inside, slamming the door.

I dunked my head under the water and screamed. Why was this so hard for me? I was with Cameron. I liked Cameron. But Taylor was so tempting and intriguing.

I climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel to dry off with. I put my clothes back on and went inside to go find Taylor. I found him upstairs in his room sitting on his bed.

“You’re bed’s going to get wet,” I said.

His eyes shot up and glared at me. He had every right to be pissed. I was sort of stringing him along. “I thought you would have left by now,” he growled.

I sighed. “Look, we’re just friends. Not friends with benefits or anything like that. Just plutonic friends. I’m dating your best friend and I really like him so I’m not going to mess that up.”


He looked up at me with almost no emotion in his face, “Since when are we friends?”

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